Monday, March 23, 2015

Weekend Update

Another weekend has FLOWN by! I can not believe how quickly the weeks are going.  I guess when you fill each day like we do, they tend to go quickly.  I met a new person who asked if my boys participated in any activities... I said, "well, basketball just ended, and tee ball is going to start soon, but other than that, they do swimming, tennis, golf and soccer....." When you list all of the activities off like that, it sounds like a lot! And it is a lot! But we love doing them all-- Cal LOVES being busy and going from one activity to the next.  Andy does too, really, but Cal thrives off of staying active and busy! We really want to expose the boys to as many activities as possible so that they can decide what they like/want to play.  I supposed we could expose them to more art-y activities, like musical instruments, but we aren't there yet.  Maybe one day....

I subbed at school on Friday and got to see Mr. MacDaddy working his charm on a special friend... it was his school picture day so he wore some khaki pants.  #thankyoujesus Home boy loves to wear some "sport shorts" because "they make me run so so fast..."

After school on Friday, this happened:
 We went by the elementary school where Cal will be going in the fall and picked up a registration packet.  HOW CAN THIS BE HAPPENING?!?!?! I am excited for Cal to go to kindergarten and I honestly think he will love it.  I just can't believe he is old enough for this ish! Am I old enough to have a kid in elementary school.  Apparently so. 

Saturday morning, I taught a Burn 1000 popup class (which totally kicked my rear-- I co-taught with Katie and I was dying by the end...and I am still sore today.) while Eddie took the boys to their first soccer game! I was bummed to miss the first game.  BUT, with the weather lately, there was no guarantee there would even be a game and I didn't want to say no to teaching only to have the game canceled and me not have a class to teach!

So, I taught and the boys played soccer and I have some amazingly sweet friends who kept me updated via text and pictures:

Andy has decided he isn't scared of soccer this year.  He has decided he likes it.  He played the whole game and didn't cry at all. #miraclesdohappen He is finally comfortable out there and is happy playing! YAY! Last season, he would get all decked out in his uniform and then look at me and say "I am not playing." (Notice the period at the end of that sentence? That's because there was no further discussion on the matter.....)
 From what I heard, Cal and Brad were in it to win it and they played hard and worked hard together; passing the ball and assisting in goals.  Just like we've been screaming at them for years.

These three little amigos are something else together... love their muddy little happy faces.  

I hustled to the game and caught the handing out of snacks afterwards.  Good timing.  We ran home so I could take a quick shower and then we headed to Raleigh for the dog show!

The guy we got Bruce from was there showing a few of his dogs and we wanted to see him and the dogs so we headed over.  There were a LOT of doggies there! We saw probably hundreds of golden retrievers there-- all soooo good looking!

Tommy and Tricia went with us... Tommy was a seat for both boys multiple times:

We were there for a few hours and then came home so I could get some cleaning done and the boys hung out on the porch for some down time.... love this picture:

That night, Trish and Tommy came over with their margaritaville machine for some margaritas and basketball action.  

Sunday, I got out of the house early for a target run -- I had to get a birthday present for this little princess, who was turning FIVE! My niece had her "princess tea party" birthday party that afternoon so I headed there, the boys hung out with grandpa and Eddie took Bruce back over to the dog show-- just to have him be there.... exposing him to a whole lot of dogs...? I don't know. 

After the party, we went over to my parents house to chat and let the boys run around.  And they ran SO hard.  We got home and they had a quick bath and were off to bed.  Cal cried out a few times and I went in to take him to pee (he's been not doing great at holding it lately.....) and after he went, he reached up for me to hold him... and fell back sound asleep on  my shoulder. 

 He might be heading to kindergarten in the fall... but he will still snuggle up to his momma...for now!

We have a BUSY week around here! So much to get done before our trip!


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