Friday, March 20, 2015

Friday Favorites: all about that app

Back at it with another round of some random favorite things! I was going to do a WalMart post, but I haven't finished my little project yet.  I will do that post if when I finally do!

Here are some of my FAVORITE PHONE APPS!

Okay, this is really random, I know, but I figured if I shared some of my favorite apps and others did too, we could learn about some new ones that we might not have known about before! (all links below will take you to the app in the app store... just in case you wanted to download right away!)

 Here is my main lock screen with my little goobers on it.  Hank didn't come to this photo shoot and I sooooo wish he did.  I try not to load up my apps on my first page so I am not overwhelmed when opening my phone. 

Page one is all of the apps I use on a daily basis:

A few things to note:
*I use folders to help me organize apps- I have some friends that hate folders and I think it's just one of those things that you either use or you don't.  Eddie doesn't use folders on his phone- he likes everything out on display! 
*Bloglovin' is my absolute favorite way to read the blogs I read.  I follow quite a few and I don't remember to search for them all the time, so this way, I can follow all my faves and check the app just like I check instagram or facebook-- whenever I want to see if anyone has a new post up, it shows me. 
*The popup folder has three apps for me to use to check class schedule, collect payments, etc.  Nothing that fun.  It is fun to see who has signed up to take a class though!
*The music folder has my iTunes music as well as an app for Pandora and Spotify.  I used to love Pandora-- but the ads drove me crazy.  They didn't used to bother me at all. Then I played it while teaching a class and some inappropriate ad came up and I was done...and moved on over to spotify.  We have to pay something a month for the service (which we realize we could do for Pandora also to be ad free, but spotify had more options we liked).  You can make playlists with millions of songs, you can search ready-made playlists... pretty sweet app. 
*The games folder houses some mega time suckers-- as if instagram, facebook and bloglovin' didn't suck enough of my time.... I usually have 5-6 words with friends matches going on at once, and then I also have rummicube and candy crush.  (although I am stuck on a level of candy crush and have been for a while and I am ready to never play it again).  Truthfully, I don't look at the games very much. I might play one word a day in the scrabble match and I might play one round of candy crush.  There's just not enough time in the day! ha!

Page 2:

*Shopping Folder-- etsy, ebay, zulily, zappos, amazon, nordstrom.... ahhhh..... that's the good stuff.  So dangerous... yet so necessary.  hahahaha
*Find Friends: this is a random app you can get and your friends/family can get and you can see where they are.  It sounds stalkerish.  It is. In some ways.  We all have it in our family so when we are driving to the beach, we can look and see where everyone is without having to call 50 times and asking "where are you now??" Eddie has it on his phone so I can check and see how much longer he has in his golf game so I know when to start dinner... It is a handy little app to have-- we don't use it often, but it's nice to have when you don't want to have to call someone and ask "where are you?"
*Photography folder-- A beautiful mess (take your pictures and write on them), Pic Stitch (made a pic collage), waterlogue (make your pics look like paintings), shutterfly (takes you to website), TimerCam (you can set the timer and it will take a picture-- just like a real camera!), hyperlapse (I need to play with this more, but you can take a really long video and it will show it all back in a short amount of time, like in fast forward), and Chatbooks-- another one of my favorite things I will have to share another time!
*I have some random games that I don't play very often-- usually just killing time on an airplane. 
*Invites folder: I have an app for evites and paperless post and I swear this has been life changing! It was driving me crazy trying to go back through my email to find invitations to different parties that were lost in a bunch of junk mail.  More and more people are using electronic invitations and having these apps is soooo helpful!
*In my news folder I have: abc news, WRAL, and USA Today.  I use the WRAL one the most... especially on snowy mornings when checking for school closings!
*Gotta have the Uber app!!!
*the Blogger app is something I am trying to use more.... you can write your blog posts right from you phone... and upload pictures too! I did my weekend update post from DC from my phone in the airport... it took a while, but I think it would get easier with more practice!

 *I don't really have any important apps on the last page.  I have pinterest, but I try not to use it very often.  It stresses me out.  And makes me hungry. 

So there you have it! Some of my favorite apps! This post took a HOT minute to complete! There's a LOT of linking going on! But it was fun to do.  Let me know if you want me to post my favorite kids' apps too.  They have changed a lot over the past 2 years so I have some favorites from when they were younger until now...



EMT said...

Thanks for sharing this...I will def have to try chatbooks and maybe some folder organizing on the homescreen! I finally got Bloglovin too...just need to set it up:)
Can't wait to see the Walmart post too...I think a joint trip is in order!
Have a great day!!

Unknown said...

These are great apps! My favorite is called "shopular". I go into any given store and the app gives me coupons! - Seri from