Saturday, November 1, 2014


I looooooved having Halloween fall on a Friday night! The boys didn't have school so I had a really fun workout (in my pinata dress...) followed by lunch with friends (and a little drink too) and then we came home and rested some before it was time to get ready for the big night!

 First, they rested together.... I mean, seriously.  You tell me that isn't some sweetness right there....

And then they got back into costumes....

And we headed over to the May's and Barfield's pre-trick-or-treat party! Andy was excited to be back in costume (forgot to mention he slept in this hat....twice....)

And and Charlie are in the same class and they have become the cutest little buddies.  They both were really excited the other one was going to be there.  And they spent the rest of the night talking each other's ears off! So much to talk about, these two!

Apparently, when boys reach a certain age, they stop smiling in pictures. Thankfully, I can still get one out of my boys.... even though Cal isn't smiling in this one....

Cal ran off to trick or treat with some of the older kids and Andy and Charlie worked the houses together.  They were ah-freaking-dorable together.  They would talk away to each other as they walked up the driveway and then they would scream "TRICK OR TREAT!" and then they would burst out laughing.  It was precious...

After a while, we met back up with Cal and we had to take another picture...

We left the first neighborhood and headed over to another one, just like we always do.  We met up with a ton of friends over there and had a GREAT end of the night there. 

Two of my friends we saw... love them...

I wore fake eye lashes that looked like spider webs.  I took this picture at the very end of the night...pardon the tired looking eyes! I thought they were so neat looking....

And we sat on the sidewalk together and had dad fetch the car.... these boys legs were done by this point!

 **I also need to note that at the party before trick or treating, I went in to go to the bathroom.  I pulled my pants down and heard a PLOP.  I turned around to find my phone at the bottom of the toilet, right in the middle of the hole.  I grabbed it out right away and dried if off the best I could.  I was sooo worried I wouldn't be able to get the pictures off of my phone if it died... I blew out the microphone hole for a while....and can you believe my phone is still working? I am in shock.  I love my phone case...but now I love it even more! It was completely submerged in the toilet.  I am wondering if this will have a delayed shutting down? Has this ever happened to anyone? It appears to be totally fine today-- I have placed and received calls...and I also backed up the phone immediately and downloaded all the pics off of it.  Fingers crossed it doesn't break....!!!


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