Tuesday, October 29, 2013

NC State Fair

Let me start this post by saying, I do not really care for the fair-- the crowds, the lines, the malfunctioning rides........... but, Eddie LOVES the fair.   He loves the FOOD at the fair-- he could pass on the rest of it, but my man loves some fair food!

We took Cal when I was pregnant with Andy and I did not like it at all-- I was pushing the stroller through the crowds while people were swinging their cigarettes in his little face.  It was not ideal for me!

But this year, Eddie really wanted to go and take the boys.  He got a taste of it Friday night at the monster truck show, so he was okay to not go back again, but when my dad said he wanted to go with us to the fair, we couldn't turn it down.

We woke up Sunday morning and got ready to head to the fair.  We had a little tackling incident that left Nug with a fat lip and a bloody nose (and Cal in time out), so we were about 10 minutes later than we thought, but we still got to the fair early enough. 

There were NO lines-- it was amazing! It was a gorgeous day and we all had a ton of fun.  Around 1:00, the crowds showed up, but we were on our way to the car with two exhausted boys, so it all worked out.  This trip to the fair restored my faith in the fair! I just might be persuaded to go again next year.... maybe....

Our attempt at a family picture-- not sure why Eddie is holding Cal like that...?

These mums were amazing!

 As we walked into the fair, Cal spotted the pony rides and was all about doing them.  Andy was too, until he realized he had to actually *ride* a pony. So just Cal rode-- he he loved it!

Almost immediately, Eddie went to get some corn-- love this picture of my dad and the boys

Not shocking that Nug loved the corn... however, his front teeth were a little tender for the early morning tackle....ahem.....so it was hard to eat it!

We headed to the kids row of rides and the boys both took turns on the trampoline bungee jump and they loved it! Cal was more timid and Andy was full steam ahead! They allowed Eddie to go in and help Andy, so he had a little assistance getting that high-- Cal was trying to figure it out on his own, but they both did great!

We got a video of Andy that I will attempt to post-- he was arching his back and soaring.  Too funny to watch!

The boys did a few other rides that were fun.... the bugs and the giant slide...

And we rode the carousal.... twice!

It ended up being such a fun day!



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