Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Mommy FAIL turned fun!

This past Saturday, we had a soccer game for Cal at noon.  Or so I thought.  We got a text on our way to the fields "where are you guys? we need Cal!" Uhhhh....? huh?

so much time to kill before the noon start....!

Turns out, Rainbow Soccer changed the schedule midway through the season-- I inputted all of the dates and times when the schedule was first released and never went back to check again.  Such a mommy fail.  We pulled up to the fields as the team was walking off.  Cal was crushed. 

My parents were having a little tailgate party in their yard, so we ran by there so the kids could play.  Cal was soon having a great time and totally forgot about his game. Phew!

Turns out, some people at their tailgate had a few extra tickets.... next thing we knew, we were running home to change clothes to head to the game! We skipped Andy's nap and headed to Kenan Stadium for the BC game.

The boys had a blast!

Cal is beyond obsessed with football-- it's borderline concerning how big of an obsession he has... so he was in heaven watching the whole thing and sitting on my dad's lap telling him about every.single.thing on the field.

The extra tickets were in the Blue Zone (how lucky were we?!) and we ran into some buddies up there also having an ice cream break.  Those spiderman pops STAINED those faces!

Cal and I went down and sat in some seats in the second row-- he sat on my lap and we just chatted up a storm about all of the plays.  There was even a touchdown RIGHT in front of us-- we were both screaming like crazy.  It was so fun seeing it with him.

Andy loved the game in the beginning and then the first touchdown happened and the fireworks went off-- he wasn't thrilled with those.  Then the band started playing and he didn't love the loud noise of that either.  He has some sensitive ears! He loved sitting with Grandma and watching the game-- we just had to cover his ears when there was a touchdown!

My mommy fail turned into a really fun, family day-- we were SPENT by the time we got home.  I think we bathed the kids and had them both in bed asleep by 6:51.  And they both slept until after 7 on Sunday!


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