Wednesday, September 11, 2013

It' a school day!

Oh, yes....! It's a school day!

Yesterday started off like this...

He told me he had to peepee.  He ran into the bathroom.  I was close behind... and I kid you not, kiddo took off his diaper and shoved it in the potty before I could get there. He then refused to pee.  I think we are borderline ready to start training (please, send wine my way now), but we will see... he tells me every (single) time he goes pee or poop in his diaper-- no matter where we are-- and he rarely uses inside voices when announcing it. 

I took a killer class at the gym after the start of the day, and then we headed to the park to play with a boy from Cal's new class.  We got there early so the boys played together.  The swings were in high demand, so I improvised. 

The boys thought this was hilarious.  Then Cal announced (for all the families around to hear) that it was hurting his penis.  

We came home for a lunch that no one liked, I didn't have the drinks that any one wanted, and no one wanted to take a nap.  It was a whine-filled afternoon and I was seriously ready to throw in the towel at 3:00.  We had Cal's soccer practice at 5. Driving there, Andy must have said "mommy, watch this. WATCH THIS" 586 times (he had nothing to show me). At practice, Andy wanted to stand IN the goal for the entire practice-- where everyone was shooting.  I bribed him away with my phone and he played chew tobacco chew tobacco chew tobacco spit on repeat while singing loudly.  He decided he wanted to peepee and walked over to the sidelines and pulled out his "parts" to attempt to go.  I scrambled to get him off of the field and over to the edge where he did not produce a single drop of urine, but refused to "repack" his parts. 

It was then time to go home, so I took my phone back.  This sent Andy to a whole new level of angry. 

He screamed the entire way home while Cal yelled that he was hungry and thirsty even though he was holding his water bottle in his hands. 

We walked in the door; I got dinner out of the crock pot and the boys practiced their screaming voices while running through the kitchen.

I implemented a silent dinner.  I used to give silent lunches to my students.  Why not a silent dinner? It didn't work. 

It was a long day and I wasn't sure how bath time was going to be.  Eddie was playing golf (I am a sweet wife, I know) so dinner/bath/bed was solo. 

But.  It was actually pretty awesome. 

They were sweet to each other (and me!) and turned into good listeners! We had a ton of fun with the mohawks and the giggles were contagious and so fun.  It's like God wanted to send me a reminder of how sweet they can be....when they want to :)


And, my WORD, I love these two little boys so so so so much... even when they are throwing things at my head while driving down the road. 


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