Tuesday, September 17, 2013

a "SUPER" birthday

My sweet little CalBoy turned FOUR yesterday. Honestly, I was a bit torn up about it! Wasn't I *just* pregnant with him? Weren't we *just* celebrating his first birthday? I could go on and on. 

As I have mentioned before, birthdays are a big deal in my family.  My mom did birthdays right for us growing up, and always made us feel so special.  My goal is to try my hardest to make my boys feel that special on their birthdays. 

On Sunday night, I decorated the dining room and wrapped his presents.  His birthday party is a golf theme (he is turning "FORE"...get it???), but he is so into super heroes so I decorated in a super hero theme. 

 Hard to tell in either pic, but the picture on the window above is the one of him in the driveway (see here for better shot) and in the below pic, I used his super heroes as decorations around all of the presents.  He thought that was hilarious to come down and see those guys there...

The morning of his birthday, I was so excited, you would have thought I was the one turning four.  I set my alarm for 6 so I could get up and get showered and dressed before he woke up.  I woke up before my alarm, went downstairs to turn on lights and then took a fast shower.  I was finishing getting ready when Cal called out.  I put one present in his room to wake up to-- my friend Jill gave me that idea!-- but he hadn't seen it yet.  He still will not get out of bed until we tell him it's okay to get up.   My little rule follower!

So, I went in and turned on the light and said "do you know what day it is today??" He said in the cutest groggy voice ever: "umm, prolly it's Thursday...?" So I told him to look around the room for any clues of what day it might be (the present was sitting on the dresser).  He looked around his room and said, "is it dinosaur day?" (he has dino sheets).  THEN, he spotted his present and the birthday boy FLEW out of bed to grab it! He could not believe the batman wrapping paper! He carried the present down to our room where Eddie was still in bed.  He sat next to the bed and opened his first present.  

Then, just the three of us went down to open the rest of his presents.  Andy was sleeping and we thought it would be better if Andy wasn't screaming and grabbing every present declaring "MINE!" Just for a few minutes...

Cal opened the above glove that makes the webbing noise every time you flick your wrist.  He put it on immediately and did not want to take it off! He asked, in all seriousness, if that meant it could climb walls now.  I just stared at him, not fully understanding what he meant, and then he ran over  to the front door and attempted to climb it... ha!

If you can't tell from the next pic, spiderman is a big hit in our house...

He also got a super man utility belt and some other spiderman paraphernalia that he loves...

Then, I ran to Dunkin Donuts to get the birthday boy a chocolate frosted donut with sprinkles... we sang happy birthday to the sweet guy...

Andy was up by this point and in awe of all of Cal's new toys!

Monday, Cal had school, so after celebrating at home, we loaded the car to take him to school.  He was just being SO sweet the whole morning, I hated to take him to school, but I knew he would have so much fun.  

Unfortunately, there are 6 kids in his class with September birthdays and the teacher did not want to do 6 mini parties, so they are going to do one party on Friday for all 6 kids.  Cal told me when he went to school that he was excited to get to wear the birthday crown and have the class sing to him.  Well, the teacher decided not to do that-- she is going to hold off until Friday.  Honestly, I am slightly bitter.  It would have been less than 60 seconds of her day to have the class sing to him, but whatever.  Stepping off of my soap box now!

Walking to the car after school, Cal said "mommy, I really wanted to wear the crown and I didn't get to today." I felt bad for the kid-- he should feel special on his birthday! So, we went to Chick Fil A and got a milk shake-- that should make any kid feel special, right??

After school, Cal played with one of his new toys- the Hungry Hungry Hippos game! He loves this game and thinks is it is so much fun...

My mom and dad came over last night for dinner and to give Cal their presents from them.  I didn't take any pictures, but we had a great time celebrating! Cal sat at the head of the table with a batman mask and a crown on (haha--I told my mom about Cal's day at school so she got him a crown). 

We ate dinner, sang happy birthday over cupcakes and then played out in the driveway until the bugs drove us in.  My mom gave the boys matching super hero jammies and they are to die for cute:

Cal went to bed smiling last night and I feel sure he had a great day! He has his party on Saturday so I will do another post about that part of the celebration!

I hope this little boy knows how much we love him. 



EMT said...

So fun - this post made me smile! I can't wait for Emma to be "old enough" to enjoy her birthday...love the room decorated - I remember I used to wake up to presents in my room too and I LOVED it!

Allyson said...

Umm- I need those super hero pajamas. Did she make them? Happy Birthday Cal, super cute party!!!