Sunday, May 12, 2013

Margaret Lillian

This past Friday, May 3rd, I got a new sweet niece, Margaret Lillian!

They had a c-section scheduled for the following Tuesday, but Elizabeth started not feeling well and then thought maybe the baby was coming sooner than they thought... so they went on in for a delivery on Friday!
blue or pink....what do you think???
 Chris and E did not find out the gender of the baby so we were all anxious to find out if it was a boy or a girl.  I had been betting girl the entire time, until the final week, where I had a weird feeling it was a boy...should have stuck with my gut. 

I took Andy to school and then Cal and I headed up to the hospital waiting room.  I kept Cal far away from the baby and E so that any germs he might have wouldn't be passed along. 

After seeing that precious little face, Cal and I left and went to pick up Jackson and Catherine from school.  Then I took the three kids over to Andy's school to pick him up-- I had all four kids in the car and let me tell you-- they loved it, but not nearly as much as I did! I had so much fun just listening to them chatter away and giggle! Thank goodness for spare carseats and an SUV!

Eddie and I went back up to the hospital on Saturday afternoon with my aunt to visit the baby.  She was resting so we didn't get to hold her, but we did get to stare at her sweet sleeping face a bunch. 

Sunday night, I got a really bad sore throat and felt almost flu-like, so I wanted to wait until all of those crummy feelings passed before seeing her again.  But I still think she's pretty darn special!


1 comment:

EMT said...

How sweet:) And kuddos for sparing your germs....most people are so excited about seeing the baby that they forget how vulnerable they are - that was certainly my pet peeve when Emma was younger...if you got a sniffle, don't even think about it! But how fun to have all the kids with you as well - did it make you want a whole car load?!?!