Friday, October 12, 2012

A boy and his...blankie??

Neither one of the boys ever really became attached to a lovie or a blankie... I put some of their favorite stuffed animals in their crib or bed, but it wasn't like they were so attached to them they couldn't sleep without them.

Then, about 3 weeks ago, Andy woke up from his nap and when I picked him up, he was pointing and screaming at something in his crib.  I handed him the books in there, the water in there...and then I picked up the blanket.  He put it up to his face and snuggled into it on my shoulder.  Then he started pointing at a little lamb lovie.  I handed him that and he tucked it under his arm. 

Since that afternoon, he is OBSESSED with this blanket and lovie.  He drags the blanket around, then dives on top of it and lays his head down, rear in the air, and starts sucking his fingers.  He will not sleep without these items and trying to sneak them away to wash them is a challenge! He saw me switch the blanket from the washer to the dryer one day and he stood at the dryer crying and banging on the side.  It was pitiful.  But y'all....that blanket smelled some kind of bad. 

I thought maybe I was imagining his new obsession, so I didn't say anything to Eddie-- it seems weird to me that Andy would develop an attachment object at 16 months old.  Eddie asked me one day if I noticed Andy really favoring that one blanket and "lamb thing".  So, I wasn't imagining it!

He can go all day without it, obviously.  We don't take it to school and I don't take them in the car (usually).  But I most certainly carried them on on the airplane and made sure he had them in his pack n play in Texas.  And nap time without them is not something I am brave enough to try.  They are the first things he grabs when he gets in his crib.

Every time he wakes up, he wants to hold his blankie and his lovie when he is picked up.  Weird, huh?

Yesterday, while Cal was in school, Andy went to his crib and stuck his chubby little arms through the slats to pull the lamb and the blanket out.  We were going downstairs so I let him bring them down.  He was cracking me up dragging that thing everywhere and then just diving on top of it. 

Walking....rubbing blanket on face......

 Annnnnnd diving on it....

How weird is this kid? Don't most kids become attached to things at a much younger age? Maybe this is just a passing thing, but I figured I better blog about it.  I've been going back and reading a lot of past posts on here and I am so glad I took the time to document even the minute things....they are pretty sweet to read down the road. 


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