Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Labor Day marks the end of summer and the start of fall (can someone tell Mother Nature that little tid bit?). 

It also marks the start of football season (woohoooooo).
It also marks the start of SCHOOL!
And it marks the calendar filling up!

(Please excuse pictures solely from the iPhone.  My real camera is still in the "shop"....ugh.)

Friday of Labor Day Weekend, Andy having a ball with his cup in the car:

Saturday we got a babysitter and headed to the Carolina football game.  They were playing Elon, so I HAD to go! UNC looked great...Elon, not so much. 

We were in the Blue Zone, thankfully, since it was only 99 degrees with 150% humidity outside.

Me and my dad:

 Me and my momma:
 It was a great way to spend my birthday.  Growing old isn't a lot of fun, but with family like mine, they make it not so painful :)

Sunday morning, we woke up and the boys helped me take Hank and Murphy (my parents dog, who was here for a visit) out to use the potty...

Both boys grabbed a Radio Flyer toy and scooted around the driveway...

We went back in for breakfast and to change clothes and then we came back outside to play more.  It was super hot so I gave both boys a juice box/carpi sun.  Andy was soooo excited for his first one!

We were hot and sticky, so we headed to the pool for the rest of the morning until naps.  After nap time, we had dinner, and Andy brought his favorite book over to me....over and over and over again.  The kid looooves this book!

He found some boots-- and loves them!
 Bath time fun!

I love some matching jammies...
andy's legs look like they are the same length as Cal's....wild.  

You know you are getting old when....

You get a vacuum for your birthday...and you LOVE it!!!! haha! As much as I love it, I think Andy loves it too!

This morning was a "walk through" morning at Cal's new school.  I will do a post on the boys' schools later, but I had to snap a few pictures this morning...he looks so old!

We were supposed to go for an hour to meet our teachers, see our classroom, and get to know our classmates.  Well, this brilliant mom showed up at 9:30...and we weren't supposed to come until 10:30.  So I had an hour to kill in the parking lot and on the playground until it was time to go it.  In that hour, we managed to get wet, muddy, sweaty and stinky.  I am sure we made a great first impression!
love the way they are looking at each other
Andy went with us to the walk through, and HOLY COW, he made it suuuper hard to manage! He was everywhere and into everything! It was okay for the most part, because today was supposed to a "play" time.  I was chasing him up and down the halls and in and out of classrooms... I am sure the teachers were praying not to have that kid in their class! He had a great time there and everyone commented that he looked like he was ready to be in school...

At the school... another one of these shots will be taken on the actual first day....

And, also starting, is SOCCER! Cal is going to be starting soccer this fall with practices twice a week and games on Saturdays.  We had to buy a soccer ball and some shin guards today.  Cal loooooves his new soccer ball! 

 Between school, football games, soccer games/practices, etc, our calendar is filling up! So many fun things to look forward to this fall!

Hope you all had great Labor Day weekends!


1 comment:

EMT said...

What a fun weekend - a lot happening! And no judgements on the matching jammies..I can't wait for Hanna Anderson to open at Southpoint so the whole fam can have matching outfits!!! Happy Fall!