Thursday, August 30, 2012

1, 2, 3, 4

This month, as Cal turns three, all of the cousins will be ages 1, 2, 3, 4.  So my mom wanted to take them to the photo spot to take pictures of them.   Since my mom is Martha Stewart, she also made t-shirts for the kids and signs for them to hold.  All super cute in theory, right?

I took my boys a few months back to get pictures and they turned out great-- both were happy and cooperated perfectly. 

This time.... Andy was NOT having it.  Like, at all.  We walked in and were greeted by Jackson and Catherine. I am not sure if Andy got scared, or what, but that little nugget started crying and did.not.stop.  He was literally inconsolable.  Hysterical.  A hot freaking mess.  SCREAMING. Are you catching my drift?

After spending time trying to get all 4 kids seated on the floor, we quickly realized that those hopes were far from realistic.  So, I threw out the idea of taking individual pictures of each kid, then getting a frame with four holes to put them together. 

Here is what we got...

 Then, to give Andy a breather, we switched everyone into the shirts my mom made.  This upset Catherine and Andy so much that we weren't even able to get pictures of them, but Cal and Jackson were alllll about cooperating:

1. how crazy cute is this kid??? 2. how can he be (almost) THREE?  3. have I mentioned how much I love him?

Our attempt at all 4...

And, in case your day needs a little pick-me-up, take a gander at some of the Andy out takes....

The funniest part was the second the photographer said "okkkaaayyyyy... let's go plug these into the computer...." Andy cracked a smile and started snickering.  Literally snickering.  Then he got all cheery and ran around the place laughing.  I kid you not.  Clapping his hands, pointing out things, LAUGHING.  At least we tried, right?


1 comment:

Alyssa said...

is it bad that the pics of Andy screaming made me laugh? He is even adorable while that is hard to pull off.