Tuesday, December 27, 2011

'Twas the week before Christmas...

WHEW!  I have some SERIOUS catching up to do!  Prepare yourself for a series of long, overly-wordy, picture-filled posts.

Okay... I posted a video before from Cal's performance at his preschool (here) but I never posted pictures.  Here are a few fun ones from that day:

once he saw us in the audience :)

That night, our Country Club held their annual dinner with Santa.  Last year, Cal was not impressed by Santa:

We thought for sure he would be better this year.  Especially since he did so well when we saw Santa at Pullen Park (here) .  Wellll..... CalBoy was not so much a fan.  At all.

with Brad, before meeting Santa

me and my sweet boys about to walk up to Santa (all smiles still)

not a fan

cal: mommmmm........

cal: i don't like this man!  andy: he doesn't seem so bad to me

andy: yeah, he isn't that bad...look at his fluffy hair

about 20 seconds after leaving Santa-- a cookie makes everything right with the world!

brad, t, jackson and cal-- loving those bar stools!
Thursday morning, Cal had a little luncheon in his school for the holidays:
That night, I had a Christmas party to go to, and then the next morning, the boys had a play date at the park with a friend of mine and her boys.  Her oldest is 11 months older than Cal, but they play soooo well together.  It's fun to see them interact and imagine how Cal will be 11 months from right now.  Her youngest is also a boy, and he is about 3 months older than Andy...Andy is almost the same size- ha!  And they look sooo much alike.  It's kind of funny, actually-- they look like they could be twins.

You know how I've written before about picking battles with a two year old?  And how some battles are just not worth fighting?  Well, getting Cal dressed every day is beyond a challenge.  It is an all out battle.  He makes it especially difficult if the jammies from the night before involve Lightning McQueen.  On this particular morning, I just didn't have it in me to fight him.  I was stressed about getting ready to leave town, had a slight head ache from a great time at the party, and frankly, I didn't care if he wanted to look ridiculous at the park.  I dare another mother to judge me.  Bring. It.

Anyway... to make him look a little less...odd... we added a polo shirt on top of the jammy top and we were good to go to the park!
oh yes-- we popped that collar. 
 And here are Andy and Charlie swinging together.  Andy thought this was too funny!

Friday night we had a great cocktail party out and Saturday we spent the day doing laundry and packing for our trip to San Diego (post coming on that tomorrow!). We flew out Sunday morning wayyyyyyy early.  I had my alarm set for 3:15 and Andy woke up at 1 and would not go back to sleep! So I just stayed up with him...! It was such a busy week, and I feel like the time flew by. 

Time to catch up on everything!

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