Saturday, December 17, 2011

3 videos to send us off

Well, it's about that time... we are leaving tomorrow morning for San Diego for the Poinsettia Bowl. Our flight leaves at 6 am.  We need to be at the airport by 5:00, which makes us leave the house around 4:30.  In order to allow enough time to shower, get dressed, wake, dress and feed the boys, I have just set our alarm for 3:15AM.  Think it will be a long day?  I am just wondering how many Diet Cokes I will drink...

I finished the shopping, wrapped the last of the gifts and packed the suitcases...and I am SPENT. Looking forward to a nice, relaxing flight to the west coast--hahahahahahahaha-- YEAH RIGHT!  I got a few new movies for the iPad; fingers are crossed Cal will enjoy them.  Fingers are also crossed that Andy will just pass out and sleep away the flight.  We are flying through Atlanta, so the first flight will be easy (well, sorta), but the second flight is going to be long. 

Oh-- did I mention both boys are fighting colds?  Neither one is bad, but they both have runny noses.  I am praying that flying doesn't hurt their ears. 

I really need to go finish packing my carry on bag, but I wanted to update the blog with these three videos...

Cal is obsessed with the iPad and was "showing" Andy his Mickey Mouse show the other morning.  It was too sweet!  He kept saying: "See, Andy?  See Mickey?"  My heart was literally aching it was so sweet. 

I took the boys to the park yesterday morning to burn off some energy.  Cal was running around at full speed so I put Andy in the swing-- his first time in the swing at the park.  He thought it was great!  I am in love with his laugh.

The other day Andy woke up from his nap in the best mood (he usually is in a pretty darn good mood).  He was cracking up at everything so I filmed it.  I just want to hang on to these moments for ever and ever and ever!

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