Tuesday, November 15, 2011

iPhone Update

My phone is FULL!  Time to do a little update on the blog since I am way behind with pictures... here is a little insight into what we've been up to....

the Toys R Us toy book came in the mail and CalBoy was thrilled to sit and peruse

Cal thought Andy was cold.  So he brought him every single blanket he could find. In the house.

Cal decided he was chilly too

this is Eddie's dad's office... I send them pictures every day and he prints out his favorites to put on the bulletin boards.  He had to add the one to the left because the one behind his desk was too full.  He refuses to take down old pictures, he just puts the new ones in front of them until the pins won't hold any more.  Can you imagine being a college football player sitting across the desk from your coach getting scolded for missed tackles and looking at these faces on the wall??  haha

my cousin sent this outfit for Cal and I just loved it on him and I love it on Andy now!

I took the boys to surprise daddy at work

LOVE this sweet one

Cal is attempting the Horned Frog sign here... we have a ways to go, but he is trying hard!

our nightly habit of reading together.  Cal loves to have us all on the blanket together.

he might be *slightly* obsessed with Lighting McQueen...

at a birthday party devouring a delicious little oreo cookie ball treat thing that was to die for...

how to prevent two boys from fighting over a swing.... they thought this was hilarious

cal pushed the 3D lenses out of the frames and rocked the glasses.  He came out of the playroom wearing them...couldn't help but smile!

Andy just can't take it any more!

back from a long walk...sweet feet!

happy, happy boy!!!

Cal wanted to be JUST like his daddy here...tried to stand with his legs crossed with his hand up...haha!

redefining bareback riding

I loved Cal in this hat too!

Andy the hunter!!!

Lots of fun stuff going on!!!  I am going to try to update a lot this week. 
Andy turns 6 months on Friday and I am having a SUPER minor surgery to have a cyst removed from my wrist on Friday.  Not sure if I will be able to type for a few days after since my arm will be in a bandage, but I will try!

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