Tuesday, November 15, 2011


About a week after Cal's second birthday, he really began talking.  He was talking quite a bit before his birthday, but we really started to notice him stringing sentences together a week or two after his birthday.  Now, the kid talks NON-STOP!  Literally, non-stop.  Some days, we wonder if he can catch his breath.  Not everything he says can be understood by everyone, but I can understand him about 99% of the time and offer translations often.

One thing he will do now is say something repeatedly, until you say it back to him. For example, if his DVD player in the car isn't working and he's watching Cars, he will say, "Momma, peen and mater not working!" (he calls McQueen peen-- whatever).  Well, he will repeat that over and over and over and over again until you repeat it back to him.  So, we get in the car and I haven't even put the key in the ignition yet and I hear: "Momma, peen and mater not working!" "Momma, peen and mater not working!" "Momma, peen and mater not working!" "Momma, peen and mater not working!" "Momma, peen and mater not working!" "Momma, peen and mater not working!" "Momma, peen and mater not working!" "Momma, peen and mater not working!" "Momma, peen and mater not working!" "Momma, peen and mater not working!" until I finally say back to him, "McQueen and Mater will be working in just a second!"

With this new voice comes a whole new personality... and it is cracking us up!  My mom was playing with Cal the other day and she said to him "Are you thirsty, sweetie?" and he replied to my mom "yes, I am thirsty, sweetie."  My mom about died laughing!

There is no way to list all of the words in his vocabulary because the list grows daily and he will repeat whatever I tell him, so there's no limit to the list. 

I am starting a new label for things he says called "Cal said WHAT?" so I can document all of the hilarious things he is saying.

This is not a video of him talking, but it's a sweet one of him teaching Andy how to do high five and knuckles.... love these kids!

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