Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Brotherly Love

Cal is still pretty smitten by his new little brother.  He takes his role as big brother VERRRRY seriously.  When Andy cries, Cal screams: "OH NO, Andy!!!" And then he looks at me and points at Andy while saying, "Andy paci, momma, paci!"  He knows that a paci will help calm him down! 

When we are in the car and the paci falls out of Andy's mouth, Cal will make sure that I am aware:

Cal: "Momma?! Mommmmmma?!?!?!  MOMMA!!!!!" (getting increasingly louder and louder)
Me: "What, buddy?"
Cal: "Paci!  Andy paci, oh no! Ohhh NO!"

And if we are home, Cal loves to put the paci in for me.  He runs to Andy and tries to shove it in, usually upside down.

Cal also thinks it is his job to wipe up Andy's spit up/drool.  If he looks across the room and sees that Andy has spit up, he charges at him with a burp cloth and wipes his entire face.  It is reallllly sweet to see...

This may seem so stupid to anyone reading this, but these are the kind of things I want to remember down the road. 

Here are some pictures from a 2 minute window earlier today.  You can see below why
1. I can NEVER leave Andy unattended when Cal is around
2. How much Cal loves Andy
3. How full my hands are! haha

whatcha doing, andy??

just a little smooch

and now I will pick you up by your head.
I might change the name of my blog to "just another day in paradise"! Eddie and I are loving every minute of it, but it is certainly CRAZY around here!  Last night, we were trying to eat dinner and I had Cal climbing on top of me screaming "up, baby!, up!" (whatever that means, he says it all the time...), Andy was screaming bloody murder while Eddie tried to quiet him, and Hank was wrestling with a stuffed animal and from the sounds of it, the stuffed animal was winning.....

1 comment:

Kate said...

So darn cute!!