Friday, July 15, 2011

Andy's One Month Pictures

When Cal was a month old, we had Tamara Lackey take pictures of him and we wanted to do the same for Andy. It was a MUCH different experience this time around!

It was a HOT day.  Not just hot...HOT.  Like 99 degrees out with 150% humidity hot.  Like your makeup will sweat off, so why even bother wearing any kind of day... and forget about your hair!

Cal came to this photoshoot.  That in itself just oozes chaos.  Need I say more?

Eddie came, but only had a short time because it was in between appointments, so we had to hustle to get him in pictures before he had to leave.

Oh, and then there is the whole Andy screaming non-stop and spitting up constantly thing.  And he did not disappoint during the session.  I think he spit up no less than 30 times.  I was working non-stop to get him to stop crying long enough for a picture. 

So, when Tamara sent me the slideshow of pictures, I was pleased that any of them turned out, and some were actually really good! 

I posted the link on facebook, but for those of you that might have missed it, here it is!  Now we just have to decide which ones to order....

Oh, and the funny faced pictures at the end were how we ended the shoot.  Cal was over it, Andy was over it, and I was just flat SPENT.  Worn. OUT!

Let me know what you think! 

1 comment:

Emily said...

LOVE all of those pictures!!!