Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Pee Pee, Momma!

Before Andy was born, Cal started expressing interest in the potty.  I thought he was wayyyy too young for that, and I mentioned it to his pediatrician.  She said to hold off on any of that until after the baby was here-- you don't want to rock his boat too much.  So, we've been holding off on any kind of training.  Plus, really and truly, I am not sure I can handle the full on trials of potty training right now!  Am I ready for that??  I mean, I am ready to not have to change his diapers, but am I ready to be running to the bathroom while holding a little guy?

Anyway, he's been showing more and more interest in the potty and he LOVES to say peepee! over and over again and he LOVES to go into the bathroom, take off all of his clothes, and sit on the potty.  He then will make the peeing noise (use your imagination) while sitting there.  The toilet is so big though, so I have to hold him so he doesn't fall in.  He has yet to actually go on the potty.

Today, we were playing outside with some ice and water and he got all wet so I took off his shorts.  He decided then to take off his shirt.  He started grabbing at his diaper and saying "pee pee, momma, pee pee!", so he took off his diaper and walked over to the bowl of water we were using and peed right in the middle of it!  I was hooting and hollering what a good job he did (because I have heard of a lot of kids that freak out when they actually see themselves pee) and he was SO excited!  He was clapping and screaming "pee pee! pee pee!" while running circles around the deck.  I am sure the neighbors thought we were insane!  He ran around doing that for a few minutes, then he returned to the bowl and said "more pee pee!" and he did it again!  I was stunned!!! I am not encouraging him to just "go" anywhere like that, but I did want him to associate "pee pee" with the act that he just did, so when he does sit on the potty, he will know that when I say "go pee pee" that that is what I am looking for. 

I tried later to put him on the potty, but he just made the noise and then got down after about 15 seconds.  We will see where this is going.  I might have to go buy a little guy potty for him... do any of you mother's of boys have any tips about this?  Is he too young still?  He's 20 months... help me! Also, are there any recommendations for boy potties?  Is it better to just get him a little seat to attach to the big potty?  I am clueless about this!  Does this even mean he's ready?

Here is a picture I got of him today while he was peeing-- I blocked out the parts (you are welcome), but the look on his face is absolutely priceless.  It CRACKS ME UP...he is so surprised and excited that something actually came out of that thing! HAHA!!

look what I did!!!!!

1 comment:

Jill said...

ahh potty training...i don't think he is too young if he is ready. you could always try and if he doesn't get it in a few days just go back to diapers. there is an awesome potty at target. it looks like a frog and its big in the front for the boys. when i trained jack i let him run around naked and brought the potty into every room with us. it worked out pretty well. brooke never used a little potty, just went straight to the big one which was annoying at first but easier at the end.
Here is the link for the potty that is amazing!!!
good luck!