Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sick Day

I will begin with last night...

Everyone went to bed without a problem-- normal night.  At 3:30 this morning, the storms came to town, and I have written before about Hank's "distaste" for thunder.  He started crying and he doesn't just cry a little, he cries these long, loud noises and bangs his head on the bed (my side only) over and over and over again.  I tried to comfort him, like I always do, but he was beyond it.  I took him to the downstairs study so that we could sleep and so he wouldn't wake up Cal.  Well, he was reallllly upset at this and was head butting the door and barking non-stop.  Eddie and I were worried he would tear up the carpeting (not that he's ever done that before, but still), and with our house on the market, that would just be realllllly bad.  So, I came downstairs and sat with him in the study.  I got on the computer and watched the radar on weather.com.  At 4:45, I thought the storm had passed us enough for me to go back to bed and just leave him in the room.  Nope!  He freaked out even more.  Finally, I just came down and got on the floor with him-- it was quite pathetic, but I didn't care.  I just wanted sleep at that point.  Eddie came down and saw me on the floor and lost it.  He reminded me that I am pregnant and that I should NOT be sleeping on the floor with a dog.  Eddie worked on getting Hank calm and I went back up to bed.  Eddie came up a little while later and was sound asleep right away.  Hank started barking AGAIN, so I went and got in the guest bed with him.  Hank was too riled up to sleep, so he sat on the bed panting in my face.  We just stared at each other for another hour, and I finally fell asleep around 6:30 ish.  I heard Eddie and Cal wake up around 7 and I ran upstairs to sleep for another little bit. 

Eddie brought Cal into our room this morning and said Cal really didn't eat much breakfast at all.  I thought he felt a little warm, but it was his forehead and his cheeks were cool, so I thought maybe he was just playing really hard and got warm.

Cal and I came downstairs together and, thinking he was just not into the cereal bar that Eddie offered, I made scrambled eggs.  I cut him a piece and he took a bite and then looked at me...and puked all down the front of me and him.  It was classic.  I was standing in the kitchen and stripped both of us down and carried him upstairs.  Then I realized that he was feeling pretty warm to me.

I changed both of us and he only wanted to be held and snuggle-- a rarity for my little busy bee!  We got back into my bed together and he passed out on my shoulder:
This is RARE.  Homie never falls asleep on me like this.  He was just laying there and then passed out.  I was making phone calls and the TV was on and he slept through it all.  Bless his heart. 

As he was sleeping, I could feel him getting warmer and warmer so when he woke up, I took his temp (my first time taking a temperature rectally....ahem...), and it was 102.3.  Cal has never had a fever before, so this seemed kind of high to me.  I decided to call the advice nurse at our pediatrician's office. 

While we were waiting for the call back, I gave him some Tylenol and we continued snuggling in bed-- I hate that he is sick, but I did love the snuggle time.  Sweet boy....

Anyway, she said it was probably a virus and to just monitor his responsiveness.  They would be concerned if he was out of it, or wouldn't make eye contact, etc.  Cal was very responsive, so we weren't worried.  We were sprawled out on the bed and I had to go to the bathroom (um, hello, I am 33 weeks preggers-- momma has to pee often!).  When I stood up to go, Cal stuck his lip so far out and started crying.  It broke my heart.  So he came to pee with me.  Whatever.

Cal went down for his nap around 1:00, like normal, and slept for just over two hours.  When he woke up, he was doing the most pathetic cry ever and I went in to get him and was laying on his side with tears going down his face and he was HOT to the touch.  I took his temp again and this time is was 103.  I called the advice nurse again (because that's what a worried momma does), and they basically said the same thing as the first time.  He got another dose of Tylenol and seemed to be feeling a bit better...

Here is how we spent the afternoon:
sprawled out on the bed (you know he's not feeling well if he's this still)
 snuggling with his momma
 hugging Andy
 "kicked" back on Hank
 and lounging with his bff

I have a feeling tonight might be a long night, so I am going to go to bed early!  I think we will give him another dose of Tylenol before we go to bed just to fend it off a fever.  Hopefully this little virus will pass quickly! 

Tomorrow is Eddie's birthday and I had a list a mile long of errands to run for him today.  Guess I might do that tomorrow??? I'm only one person....

say a little prayer for my little man!


Abby M. Interiors said...

Poor little guy!! Your belly looks so cute. :-)

We've been battling fevers at our house as well. I hope today is better! abby

Kate said...

Poor Cal! Sending my love!!

Jill said...

Oh no! The only good thing about them being sick is the snuggle time, the no guilt tv time and the "slowness" of busy toddlers. Actually when I write it all down, it kinda sounds good:)