Thursday, April 7, 2011

33 weeks!

Woohoo! I reached 33 weeks yesterday-- crazy! I have a bunch of friends who are preggers and are blogging a picture each week of their growing bellies, and I am feeling like a slacker, so here ya go:

Please pardon the confused look on my face and the mess in the room.  You will notice Cal Boy sitting behind me on the bed.  He's feeling much better today and his fever was gone yesterday, thank goodness.  I won't go into the "issue" today.  Let's just say we are on our 4th diaper and second pair of shorts today and it's only 10:00... I guess this is the virus running its course...

Anyway, back to 33 weeks....

I am feeling fine, like I am getting bigger and bigger, but I don't feel quite as big as I did last time...yet.  I will, I know... at my last doctor's appointment, Andy was measuring small, which was weird to hear, since Cal was always measuring right on track, if not a little big (um, hello, 9 pound baby!).  I am still right on track to gain an absurd amount of weight.  Just like last time! Here is a pic from last pregnancy right around the same time. 

This baby feels suuuuuuper low and at times, when he kicks, it realllllly hurts.....ahem...the lower regions.  I actually thought I was in labor the other night.  I had a contraction that was worse than the others that I have had with this pregnancy, and then he started kicking/moving really low and it was causing a lot of pain.  It passed pretty quickly though and I chalked it up to carrying Cal too much that day.  That was the day he was sick and just wanted to be held, so I think my stomach took a beating that day.

I am craving chocolate chip cookies like no other (hence the absurd weight gain).  It almost (notice I say ALMOST) disgusts me how many cookies I am eating in a day.  I can't stop making them and I can't stop eating them.  I didn't have any in the house yesterday so I ordered a chocolate chip cookie cake for Eddie's birthday.  I am ridiculous.

Today a lady in the grocery store asked me when I was due and I said May.  She goes, "oh, next month!" And it took me a minute, but yes...that would be next (freaking) month!

Just wanted to post a belly pic.  For you Elon girls-- have you seen Maggie W's facebook page?  She has posted a picture from each week of her pregnancy, and I think it is so neat to be able to see how she progresses as the baby grows.  I wish I had it together enough to do that. :)


Kate said...

You look so good! I have tried to do weekly pics but have been slacking too! Thanks for the update! xoxo

Abby M. Interiors said...

You look darling! So tiny. I don't think there is any absurd weight gain going on at all! I'm addicted to making "malted chocolate chip cookies" and I don't have a baby as an excuse!