Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Body After Baby

I was hesitant to write this post, but I know some day I will want to look back and read about the journey to get my body back after having a baby...

It isn't easy for me to admit this, BUT I gained just under 50 pounds when I was pregnant. GULP. Dang, that is a LOT. I knew it was A LOT while I was pregnant, but I also knew a lot of it was water weight, and I also had a 9 pound baby (didn't know that part while I was pregnant!).

Everyone kept telling me: "It takes 10 months to put it on, give yourself 10 months to take it off..." Uhhhh....I understand that logic, but 50 pounds is A LOT (have I mentioned yet that it was A LOT of weight?), and I didn't need to be carrying that much around.

I am proud to say that I am now below my starting weight as of now... we'll see if I maintain it!

While I would like to say that it is because of diet...it's not. I am hungrier now than I was during first trimester of my pregnancy. And I eat 3 times as much as I did then. Literally. While I am writing all of this, I might as well admit what I ate on Sunday: a bagel, a blizzard from Dairy Queen, nachos, 3 chunks of chocolate ship cookie dough, quesadillas. Seriously-- how gross is that?

The main reason for the weight loss is nursing. So many people can't believe I have nursed as long as I have....I can't imagine not nursing (not for the weight loss, but because of the benefits). Doctors tell you the amount of calories burned when you nurse, and I have no idea what they are. I know nursing has increased my appetite immensely.

The other main contribution to the weight loss is walking. I figure I average 20-25 miles a week that I walk. It is a sure fire way to get Cal to sleep in his morning nap when crying it out ain't working! Hank is now trained to heel perfectly beside the jogger and we make great time. I try to keep up a really fast pace. I love that time by myself, either listening to music, listening to a book on tape, or talking on the phone (I have a headset that I can use while I walk-- I don't have enough hands otherwise!). Everyone is happy after a walk: Hank is thrilled, Cal is happy to have napped, and Momma is happy to be outside and getting the heart rate up.

I did Zumba three times and loved it and I have gone to the gym I think 4-5 times since Cal has been born. I just love this beautiful weather and love being outside enjoying it! Soon it will be too hot to walk and I will have to try to go either wayyyy early in the morning or at night.

When I stop nursing, I know I am going to have to cut back on the amount of sweets I am consuming. It's not that I have cravings, per se, but I really want the sweets! Go figure!

Also, my weight is below my starting weight, but my body shape has changed completely. My boobs are twice the size they were previously. My stomach is pudgy with love handles (this is new to me). My legs (my problem area) have slimmed some due to the walking....but everything is different than it was before.

Just to give you a little looksie at what I had to lose........ (I could have been a contestant on The Biggest Loser. Seriously):(I might walk double tomorrow, just to make up for that picture! hahaha)

1 comment:

Chats with Jack said...

Congratulations, Carrie! You're a brave woman. I gained 60 pounds with Jack. SIXTY! It took me exactly 9 months to loose the weight, and it was a rough road. This time,with Holden, I only gained 35 lbs, but the last 15 aren't going anywhere yet. You've inspired me to start taking some really long walks! I miss my jeans.