Thursday, April 22, 2010

7 Months Old!

I can NOT believe that Cal Boy is now 7 months old!
It's getting harder and harder to get his picture holding the sign. It's funny, when my friend (Hey, Stephanie!)'s daughter was 7 months, I remember her writing both of those exact things: can't believe she's 7 months, and it's impossible to have her hold the sign!

Milestones for now:
Sleeping: still a MEGA issue. No more sleeping in the swing....ever. It's only in the crib (or occasionally the stroller)
Food: loves everything! He eats all of the veggies and fruit I give him! I am cutting back on nursing...
Sippy Cup: I have been searching for a sippy cup that he will actually use, and have tried several different brands, but he doesn't seem to like any of them. I finally found one yesterday that he LOVES! He is such a big boy drinking his water from a sippy cup.
Crawling: Sill no crawling here...and I can't say I am complaining! He can roll like no one's business. He will push up on to his hands and knees, but is not moving forward yet. He will reeeeeach for something, and then just decide to roll to it instead. I really have to watch him with Hank now because he will roll across the room just to be near his buddy.
Words: He is still saying UP and a few other mombo jumbo words. I love listening to him "talk"!
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