Sunday, March 28, 2010

Update on my lost mind....

Okay, I might have been a bit dramatic in my last post.... maybe not. It's been a rough few nights here in the Williamson household!

Yesterday (Saturday), Cal took a wonderful afternoon nap in his crib. He was down for several hours, so I was thrilled. Perfect time to get things done! Eddie came home while he was sleeping so I even got to take a walk with just Hank.

He went down around 7:30 last night without too much of a fight....well, we started getting him down at 7:30 and he was asleep just after 8: not too bad!

Cal woke up at 12:00 SCREAMING. I went in to check on him and he was soaked. Not just a little damp, but 100% drenched. His jammies were stuck to him, he was so wet. yikes. So I quickly changed his diaper and his outfit, which got him allllll kinds of fired up. He went from screaming to laughing to screaming again every 5 seconds. I fed him and got him back down again. He woke back up at 1, but I put the paci in and he was back asleep again right away.

At 5, he started screaming again (I am not exaggerating when I say screaming-- it is LOUD!). When I went in to get him, he had peed through another outfit, and this time was even wetter than before! He was soaked AGAIN! I had to peel the jammies off of him and this time, the crib was completely soaked.

The kicker is: HE IS WEARING 12 HOUR DIAPERS! HA! I laugh at those diapers.

I brought him in bed with me because I wasn't about to change his crib sheet at 5 in the morning, and he slept until about 6 ish. At 8, I tried to put him down for a nap and he wasn't having it! He was super happy and "talking" like crazy, but he would not take a nap! Finally at 11:00, after no nap, I took him over to my mom's house to play for a while. Momma is exhausted and needs a little relief! My mom took him as soon as I walked in the door and sent me on my way. She told me to go home and sleep (so what have I been doing? Grocery store, cooked dinner, changed Cal's crib sheet, 2 loads of laundry, and now blogging--ha!). I am missing him like crazy so I am going to go get him in about 20 minutes.

I forgot to buy some new diapers at the store-- I heard Huggies has an overnight brand that works well for little boys..... I am going to go get those before I pick him up! We need them!

Thanks for the help you all offered. I have been giving him some Tylenol, and that seems to help calm him down at night. Now if only he would just sleep from 7-7. Will that ever happen?????????

Hope everyone has had a great weekend! I will try to take some pictures to post soon! :)

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