Saturday, March 27, 2010

Losing my mind: need help!

Dear blog readers,

Realllllllly need some help here.....

While we were in Costa Rica, Cal wouldn't sleep in the pack-n-play. Normally, he would have just cried it out, but in the hotel, we couldn't do that with other guests around, SO, Cal slept in the bed with me. Now that we are home, Cal will NOT sleep in his crib. AT ALL...

The past few nights have been as follows:

7:30 Cal goes down to bed
8:30 Cal is still screaming
9:30 Cal is finally asleep in his crin
11:00-12:00 range Cal wakes up and starts screaming-- he gets diaper changed, fed and then WILL NOT GO BACK TO SLEEP!
Two night ago, he woke up at 11 and I didn't get him back in his crib until 1:00. I will rocking him, swaying him, etc etc, and he would fall sound asleep in my arms, and then wake up again as soon as I put him down. Last night, he woke up at 12 and at 2:00, Eddie and I were at the end of our ropes so we brought him in bed with us and he crashed.

WHAT DO WE DO??? I am literally at my wit's end. He may be teething??? Although I do not feel anything on his gums. He has been eating more, so I would think it would hold him through the night, but he is still waking up (and then not going right back down).

He has been napping in his swing, mainly because I am about to lose my mind and I need that peace and quiet time, and I think that is part of the problem. I just put him down for his afternoon nap in his crib and he has been s-c-r-e-a-m-i-n-g for about 20 minutes now.

Honestly, I think he is training us, when we should be training know? I am beyond frustrated because it is like we are taking huge steps backwards after we were doing so well. I guess that's what travel will do to you.

Any tips y'all can offer on "retraining" a baby would be most appreciated! Right now, I am typing this to keep my mind off of the screaming that is coming from upstairs. And who likes to hear their baby cry??

Momma is going crazy :)


Steph said...

oh carrie! bless your heart :) traveling is so hard with a little one...i haven't gone anywhere fancy with reagan, but just going home is just a hard change for them!

have you given cal any tylenol before bed? i do tylenol and sometimes just calms them down. might be worth a shot...not trying to tell you to drug your baby! :)

i think you are doing the right thing though to put him in his crib so he gets used to it again, atleast start him there. then when enough is enough, just put him in bed with you. YOU ALL need your sleep! do what works for you!!

maybe this will just last a couple days while he is adjusting to being home. hang in there momma and let's plan a lunch date soon!!! how bout a dinner and drinks date and leave the babies with the daddies!! :) :)

Danita said...

Ah man, I know exactly how this is. This happened the first few times we went to visit my parents. When we came back home, I just had to let Quinn cry it out. And from the sounds of it, looks like that is what you're already doing.

I know I've probably already mentioned this before, but the book Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Marc Weisbluth is what really helped me build a strong sleep routine for Quinn. What I liked about the book is that it gives you ideas for many different baby temperaments and also gives different ideas as far as what you're comfortable with. It also is backed with plenty of research as to why the sleep methods in the book help promote healthy sleeping not only in baby years but toddler and beyond. It really has been a bid help and even now I go back and read from time to time.

I hope things start to clear up in that area for you. One thing I always remind myself is: Quinn is crying when I put her down to sleep because she loves us so much and wants to be with us. I love her just as much and let her cry it out because I know the value of good sleep and want her to learn how to do it on her own.