Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Guess who slept through the night last night??

that's right! little man slept through the night last night!!!

We went to Winston-Salem to visit a friend, and he slept for an hour on the way there and an hour on the way home, and then took a nap around 5. I woke him up around just before 8. We played hard for a few hours and then at 10, I started to put him down (later than I would prefer, but we will work on moving it up earlier...). We didn't hear boo from him until 6:00 this morning! I woke up at 5 freaking out because I hadn't woken up once in the night! haha (not to mention how "full" I was! OMG!

My goal was to have him napping in his crib (not exclusively; I don't mind car seat napping!) when we are at home (as opposed to his swing) starting when he was 4 months. He will be 4 months this Saturday and as I type this, he is in his crib.....and I think he may be sleeping! I really want to establish that the crib is for sleeping. It's so funny, now that he knows how to roll over (have I mentioned that yet??), he starts out on his tummy and then flip over to his back and just stares at the video monitor like, hey! did you see that?? too funny!

fingers crossed for a repeat performance tonight!!!!

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