Sunday, October 18, 2009


I woke up Thursday morning SO excited! I had a great day ahead of me:
Cal's one month pictures with Tamara Lackey (our wedding photographer!)
Lunch with my friend from Winston-Salem, Sara and her son, Charles

It was just going to be a great day!

I carried the diaper bag and my purse out to my car while my mother in law held Cal so that I could just run in, get him, and go. I opened up the back door to my car and saw some green looking glass on the seat. I thought it was weird, but I thought I just dragged something in the last time I got in (SO stupid of me!). I looked towards my front seat and saw a TON more glass! Then I put 2 and 2 together (like any bright blonde would do!), and realized that my window had been broken! A thief came down my driveway (my car was parked 3 feet from the side of my house, and my mother in law's window), peeked in the car and saw a purse, took a brick from our front walkway, and threw it through the window. UGH!

Good news: I just bought a new purse two days before, so I had just switched purses, so the one he stole was empty. Yes, that is good news, but still a total bummer because I loved that purse! Actually, it's almost funny... the only thing in the purse was a tube of nipple cream! HAHA! My friend gave me that for nursing so I had it in my bag, but didn't switch it into my new bag- hope he enjoys it!

I called the police and they showed up immediately. They said they have been having a lot of troubles in our neighborhood lately (yikes!), so they are treating every call has high priority. We live in a great neighborhood with a lot of nice walking trails, but apparently, the thief gets what he wants and then disappears onto the trails. I am now scared to death to be home! I seriously jump a mile at every sound and I am convinced that the thief is going to come back since he didn't get anything the first time...morbid thought, huh?

The good news is that no one was hurt and hopefully he won't be back for a while!

The bad news is that my window was totally shattered and my car still has glass all over it, even though it has been cleaned out several times. Oh, and glass went into the seat belt holder of the passenger side of the front seat and now it is broken. The seat belt can't go into the hole anymore. I have to go to the Ford dealership tomorrow to see if they can give me a new seatbelt. I just want to tell the guy THANKS for all the extra crap you are creating for me to do!

Here is a pic of the car window:

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

Freaky! What neighborhood do you live in dare I ask?