Sunday, October 4, 2009

Cal update!

It seems like I have been so busy that I haven't had the time to update my blog, but when it comes to updating the blog, I don't really have much to post!

Things with Cal are going GREAT. We are still figuring out his feedings. He is hungry ALL the time, but our doctor said to really try to hold him off so that from time off the breast to time back on the breast is at least 2 hours. This will teach Cal to eat until full at each feeding and it will encourage him to sleep for longer stretches at night. Well, this is easier said than done! We can hold him off sometimes, but when this kid wants to eat, he wants to eat! I have gotten pretty good at holding him off by walking around with him. Eddie, on the other hand, just wants to feed him when he cries. If we continued doing that, we would have a 20 pound 4 week old!
This is how we have to hold him when he *thinks* he is hungry. He passes out every time!

He still gets up at night to eat (of course!). I was getting up to feed him and changing his diaper and spending about 1.5 hours each time up with him. That was ridiculous! He was fully waking up at each feeding and taking his sweet time going back to sleep. I started not changing his diaper at night and it has helped tons! Actually, he has been sleeping by my side (in the bed with me-- I know! it's bad!), and then when it's time to eat, I feed him and he falls right back asleep again. He doesn't like his crib right now, but we are hoping to work him out of that. I have got to break the habit of him in my bed, but it is sooooo nice and easy that way!

I posted a website over on the side bar that we are using to upload all of our pictures. I am trying to keep that really current so if I am slacking here, you can see Cal grow by looking over at that link.
Me and Cal taking a light walk with the Baby Bijorn.

1 comment:

Sweet Treats and Baby Feet said...

sounds like things are going so well! i had both kids in bed too and moved them out at about 6 was hardly a transition at all so i wouldn't worry about that!