Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Pains on Labor Day

I posted last about my fear of going into labor while at the beach.... well, we made it home today around 1:00.

At 2:00, I had some stomach pains, and about 9 minutes later, I had more pains. Hmmm.... well, I started timing these "pains" in the off chance that they were something more, and they were very sporadic and all over the place. Eddie was on the golf course and I was determined not to call him off the course for nothing!

After a few hours of this, I called the doctor on call, just to see what was up. He said it definitely sounded like the onset of labor and when my contractions reached 5 minutes apart, I should call him again to go meet him at the hospital.

For the next few hours, I had a contraction ever 6 minutes (almost to the second!). I called Eddie on the golf course and told him he might want to come on home... who knew how long it would take me to get to 5 minute apart contractions??

Eddie came home and started timing the contractions for me. They were pretty steady at 6 minutes, but some were closer and some were further apart. It lost it's consistency. I got up to walk around a bit and the contractions pretty much went away.

That was a LOT of excitement for everyone in our family. My dad is now answering the phone, "BABY WATCH!", and my mother is afraid to go to sleep in case she won't hear the phone ring. My mother in law is in Texas waiting on the word to hit "submit" to purchase a ticket out here immediately.

At least I am home and with Eddie... Cal can come at any time now! On a side note, my brother's birthday was yesterday. All he wanted for his birthday was a nephew... isn't that cute?

I will update more tomorrow.... I am going to go to the doctor just to get checked and make sure everything is okay. That is....IF we don't make a run to the hospital tonight!

1 comment:

Steph said...

ahhhh carrie! i'm so excited for you!! i can't wait to hear of baby cal's arrival!! :)