Sunday, September 6, 2009

Labor Day Weekend...

Let me preface by saying my mom went into labor with me on Labor Day....

I went to the doctor on Wednesday and she measured me and I was measuring 2 inches smaller than I was last week. I gained only an ounce and a half since my last visit... I asked if I should be concerned (because that's what I do!), and she said it just meant the baby had dropped in to the birth canal. Yikes!

As many know, I am still teaching full time. The entire 6th grade went to Camp Cheerio for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, and I wasn't allowed to go, so I ended up with an extra long Labor Day weekend! My doctor's appointment was Wednesday, and I had a few other appointments, and then Thursday morning we headed to the beach.

At my doctor's appointment, I asked if she thought it would be okay to travel (oh yeah-- Eddie was going to be in Atlanta too!), and she said she didn't have any reason to tell me not to go. She didn't check me to see if there was any dilation, since I haven't had any contractions or anything. There is a hospital down here that is AWFUL. I had one bad experience there and I swore I wouldn't go back! I think my mom was terrified that we would be making a mad dash home when my water broke. It is now Sunday night and we are heading home tomorrow morning... so far, no baby! We are all holding our breaths that we make it home tomorrow! I don't want to deliver in Carteret County, and I want Eddie there with me!

I have been relaxing and keeping my feet up and I swear, this is the best I have felt in weeks. I have ZERO swelling and other than my large size, I feel great. It is awesome!

The weather left much to be desired this weekend, with only one nice day, but I did get some great pics with my new camera!

Hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend!!! I will keep you posted on this baby!

1 comment:

Sweet Treats and Baby Feet said...

So soon, Carrie! When I was at the end I was always so ready! I dilated early with both kids and the day I asked for the ob to strip my membranes I went into to labor with both. Just a little trick if you are REALLY ready:) Can't wait to hear about his arrival~