Sunday, August 23, 2009

August updates

I have been so bad about posting lately. I promise to be better (or at least, I promise to try to be better!).

I am now 36 weeks. While I still love being pregnant, I think I might have hit that point where I am about ready for this little guy to come on out. Due to the extreme heat, I have had some massive swelling. My feet don't fit into any of my shoes anymore (they haven't grown, they are just swollen!), and I found an old pair of stretched out flip flops that fit, but they are literally the only pair that my feet will squeeze into! I wore rings up until about a week ago, when my knuckles got large. I guess it's all part of it!

School is about to start back and I am going back until the baby comes. It sounded like such a good idea at the end of last year.... sigh. I know it will be worth it: I will be helping my replacement teacher transition into the role of lead teacher by basically sitting in the back of the room and answering any questions she has, but she is certainly taking the lead. We are also having me go back because of my wonderful insurance coverage. We got a notice from the doctor's office when we were first pregnant that we would owe $0. If I didn't go back to work, I would have needed to get on Eddie's plan that has a $5000 deductible, so we would have to spend that much before they would cover anything! YIKES! That is money we could be saving! SO, I will be returning to work! We had our first meetings on Wednesday. That's when the swelling really started to kick in. It's been pretty non-stop since then.

I have an appointment on Tuesday, so I am anxious to ask the doc about it to make sure all is normal. I am seeing the doctor that is a stickler about weight gain, and I really don't want to see him because I haven't been able to walk much since my feet don't fit into my sneakers any more!

That's all for now!

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