Saturday, June 6, 2009

Oh Boy! 25 weeks!

We had people over last night for a little cookout and had the greatest time, but it is amazing how the times are changing!  Katie and Chapman brought their daughter Millie, Sara and Toland brought their son Billy, and Peter and Tiffani brought Tiffani's parents, who brought their grandson, Tiffani and Peter's nephew, Judson.  Everyone came over around 6 and we had quite a spread of food!  I called my mom at 8:30 and was already washing dishes!  Everyone had to get their babies home to bed!  My, how the times are changing! haha!

  I wore a new shirt:
Oh Boy.
(for some reason, this shirt cracks me up..)

and a side view.  25 weeks pregnant!  woohoo!
Sara, me, Katie and Tiffani :)  The husbands were grilling and chasing around kids!

1 comment:

Sweet Treats and Baby Feet said...

Your belly is so cute and little! I feel like mine is that size at 9 weeks:) keep the belly shots coming!