Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Glucose Test

Yesterday I had my glucose screening test.  I was dreading the test because of the horror stories I have heard about the nasty tasting liquid.  My friend, Stephanie, said it wasn't that bad when she had to do it, so I thought I would be fine.  UGH- it was foul.  It tasted like some wrongly made kool-aid.  It was as thick as syrup and as sweet as extra sugary kool-aid.  I will find out tomorrow if I passed the test.  If I didn't pass it, I will be VERY upset because that will mean I will have to retake the test and drink even more of the junk to be tested again! 

The purpose of the test is to screen for gestational diabetes.  I love my sweets, so I am hopeful that I can keep on eating them.  It probably wouldn't hurt me to lay off of them a little bit....but not yet!  

The doctor I saw yesterday checked my cervix to make sure I was "dilating on the sly."  Seriously.  Her words, not mine.  Everything was fine with no signs of dilating.  Thank goodness!  This baby still has some cooking to do!  His heart rate was great and everything else looks good.  My next appointment is in 2-3 weeks and then from then, I will start going every 2 weeks!  I can't believe I am already to that point!  This pregnancy is flying by... :)


Sweet Treats and Baby Feet said...

When you start going every two weeks and then every week...that is always a sign for me that the time is nearing! How exciting!

Danita said...

Don't listen to any more horror stories. I was freaked out about almost everything but realized that things weren't as bad as everybody made them seem. Your pregnancy is flying by!! Can't wait! :)

Steph said...

OH NO!! I am just catching up on the blog now and I'm so sorry the "kool aid" wasn't so tasty for you! You must have gotten a bad batch :( Hopefully everything went well with the results :)