Thursday, April 16, 2009

WONDERFUL Doctor's Appointment!

Yesterday, I had an appointment with Dr. Hardison.  I LOVE Dr. Hardison!!!  He was so great.  I seemed to have a ton of questions this month, and he took the time to answer them all.  My body has changed drastically in the past week...there is a BELLY growing now!, so I had a bunch of questions for the doctor.  

I told him about my last visit with the doctor (a different one), which was kind of rushed and I never really got to hear the heartbeat because he did the doppler so fast.  Dr. Hardison swore he wouldn't let me leave until I got to hear it loud and clear.  I laid down on the table, and the second he put the wand on my belly, the heart beat was GOING CRAZY!  It was so loud and so strong.  I was just laying there grinning ear to ear.  It was really incredible.  The heart rate was 150... I have no idea what that means for boy/girl (of course, Eddie wanted to know what 150 meant!).  I am just glad to hear the beat.  

I left the doctor grinning ear to ear.  It was a great appointment and SO much fun hearing that little heart beat!  AND we got to make the appointment for May 1st for the ultrasound.... time to find out the sex! :)


Danita said...

Yay!! May 1st! That is so soon, only a couple weeks away! I can't wait to find out, you've got to tell me as soon as you find out!

Sweet Treats and Baby Feet said...

Carrie, I didn't know you had a blog but now I am all over it!!! I love reading about your pregnancy. It's so exciting, especially the first time around. I can't wait to find out what you are having. 150 heartrate...I say girl! Brookie always had a higher heart rate than Jack. My first thought for you was boy but I think I will say girl now. I guess you will know soon enough!