Saturday, January 5, 2019

Reindeer Games

We had a crew in for Christmas this year. Eddie's parents and sister all came in, Eddie's other sister had all of her in laws in town, and then my family! After Christmas morning festivities, we all headed over to mom and dad's for REINDEER GAMES. Oh, how we love Reindeer Games. It is the perfect thing to do on a Christmas afternoon, when all the presents have been opened, everyone had their mid-morning nap (looking at you, Ed), and it's time for some fresh air outside.

My mom goes all out for these games, which, really, shouldn't be surprising at all. She is wonderful.

We eat some, we drink some (okay, a lot) and we play a little baseball. It is so much fun. It has grown over the years...and I think it's a favorite way to spend the afternoon for all.

Some quick pics... not nearly all of them. But some.

 We have shirts, obviously. How else would we know who was on which team?

 Reindeer games needs fireball shots.

 The aunts with the babies.
 Thankfully the weather was perfect for it.


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