Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Flag Football

Another season of flag football has come and gone! I say this every year, I know, but it is truly Cal's happy place. He LOVES being on the field and running plays and everything that comes with it. Andy enjoys it and has a great time, but Cal is beaming the whole time he is on the field.

 We had a bunch of weather issues this time around, and it felt like the season was super quick due to cancellations. But they threw in a double header to make up for lost time and next thing we knew, the season was over!

Gotta love the sportsmanship award! In this game, Andy and another little brother both won the award for hauling tail to keep up with the bigger boys. 

Not sure you can see Andy....

Eddie coached again this season- I think all three boys enjoyed their time together out there!

You know this sign had to come home to our yard....

A few games later, Cal had a couple great plays and was a decent leader out there so he won himself the sportsmanship award! 

Cal and his favorite receiver! Henry was catching whatever Cal threw to him- and he even caught the other team's ball a few times!

 The final game of the season! These two were ALL smiles! Loving that sunshine too!
 We were missing a lot of players, but here is some of the motley crew.
 Dancing the "floss".... tell me your children do this dance constantly.....
 And, the highlight of Andy's season was Mrs. Lee showing up at a game. I swear, he was standing on the field not doing much of anything and then he spotted her, snagged the ball, sprinted down the field and then on the next play, dove to catch a ball that I don't think was thrown to him. Eddie said "what got into Andy???" then he saw Mrs. Lee and wants to ask her to come to every one of his sporting events from now on. hahahha

 So, with flag done, we are down to baseball, swimming and golf!


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