Monday, October 16, 2017

Bruce's baby

Bruce got a bath at Petsmart last week. As we were walking in, he spotted a huge display of stuffed animals. The pup loves a stuffed animal. So I explained that he could get one after his bath if he was a good puppy. Because he understands that stuff. 

Fast forward two hours and I am picking him up from his bath and he makes a beeline straight for the stuffed animal display. They were super cheap with a bath, so I let him pick one out. Y'all. You would have thought I gave the dog a steak. He went prancing through the store crying out loud with happiness, his whole body wagging as he walked to the checkout.  Everyone was staring and smiling.  Hard not to.

 I about precious. He was SO excited.  I posted this pic on instagram and a series of videos of him.

We got home and he carried about his baby with a whole lot of pride. Bless his heart- this makes me so happy to see his happiness!
 We went to bed that night on the baby.....
 ...and carried it around the whole next day.

 And then I posted a video of him ripping the baby to shreds and pulling out all of the stuffing.  And holy smokes, the amount of comments I got, you'd think he ripped off a head of a human-- I was dying with all of the comments! Everyone was in shock he would tear apart his baby! But, this is what Bruce does... he pulls out the inside and carries around the carcass. You can sort of see below, some of the stuffing coming out. This was before the mega massacre.  

 He still loves the baby and carries it around everywhere-- it is just missing a few limbs and a whole lot of stuffing right now.  We don't buy stuffed animals in our house because they get destroyed, so that's what made this one so special, I guess?
 If you were one of the many, many commenters on the instagram videos, thank you! I was cracking up! I also got a ton of requests for more Bruce posts- how funny.  He is quite the character.....!


1 comment:

Calypso In The Country said...

He is so precious! We have a golden so I can relate to the silliness!