Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Life lately!

Oh hellllllo there, and happy hump day to ya! We haven't had soccer this week so our load has been drastically cut back and I am not complaining one bit! We do have a baseball game tonight, so hopefully we whoop tail-- just kidding.  Let's be honest, I am just hoping the boys swing and make contact with the bat.  They both had really great games last week, so here's hoping the streak continues!

Some random pictures from the last week or so:

Momma is getting a new car... all the praise hands.  These jokers helped us shop this week and it was ohhhhh so fun.  

 They are just so good and not touching each other and listening. 

Pretty sure people think I am crazy when I say I teach preschool-- especially the two year old class.... but let me tell you something-- see this post below? This little girl really did run in and gave me a massive hug...and it was great.  And then she held my hand- not because she was upset, because she doesn't get upset, really... but because she wanted to.  And you know what? I wanted her to.  There are tough days, but then there are days where a sweet child wants to hold your hand just because...and that makes a day pretty great, if you ask me!

 Really, what would a life lately post be without a zillion baseball pictures??

 Cal had quite the game the other night-- he came to the field with a great attitude and had several great hits and then-- amazingly, made a double play.  He caught a pop fly and then tagged out the runner.  Pretty sure you could hear me screaming all the way in Raleigh.  It was great.  So his good attitude and power play earned him the game ball... and boy, was he pumped. 

Andy also took a turn at catcher and LOVED it.  He has been all about it! Cal did it, but didn't love it-- he liked it fun.... Andy loves it! I was a proud momma this night. 

 Cal caught a ball that I didn't think there was any way to catch-- and got out a running in the process. 
 That smile.....

 I am so thankful to the wife who takes these and sends them each week...!
 I adore this one too....
 He's always dirty. 

 Looking to make the play:
 And this one I am going to have to frame.... my loves.  How can they be so old??? Cal got a scratch on his nose from another little boy who wasn't being great to Andy.  Maybe that makes this picture even better. 

At another game last week (can you hear my washing machine constantly running to get baseball clothes clean?!), we played Cal's buddy, Jackson.  These two are goof balls and I love them.  

More pics from the professional:

 Heeeeeee's OUT!
 The hair sticking out the back of the hat kills me. 

Last week was teacher appreciation and we worked HARD to let them know we appreciate them!!! We baked until way too late last Tuesday night.  

 We were slightly delirious by the end.... yummmmmm banana cream pie.....

 Bruce got a bath and while we waited to pick him up, I surprised the boys by pulling into the Menchie's parking lot.  They were SO excited to get froyo!

Andy loaded up on strawberries... I had to stop him after 4 scoops. 

 Always messy.  Always. 

Because we had time to kill...and it's funny....

Bruce is having his surgery today-- of course my momma heart is worried sick about it, but I know he's in the best hands.  He's been practicing his position for a while now:

 that's it for life lately! I am sure Iwill be back with more baseball pictures soon- hahaha sorry to over share those, but I don't want to lose them!


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