Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Life Lately

Here is a look at life lately up in here! We are on an airplane right now, heading to the beautiful Turks and Caicos and we can NOT wait for a little romantic getaway to celebrate 10 years of marriage: woot!

The boys are growing- and- eating a ton! Holy cow.  I came downstairs the other morning and Andy was eating FOUR poptarts.  Okay, so we don't usually allow this kind of breakfast-- but some battles we just don't fight and the kid was hungry!

One day last week, Andy went on a play date and Cal and I went to the mall.  He was DREADING it and then half way through, goes "this is actually really fun, mom...just me and you...." annnnnd I melted.  It WAS really fun! He tells me he wants a loft bed like this one from Pottery Barn Teen.  Yeah, we all want a lot of stuff from pottery barn, buddy..... he says it would be perfect for doing his homework.  So would the kitchen table, homes.  

He was looking at rugs-- doesn't he look miserable?? He was actually laughing at how they swing and close him in them.  

See what I mean about growing?? His legs have gotten so long! And I love to look up and see the lacrosse name sign in his bathroom.  I literally smile every single time I see it.  

 And, while he's in his undies, he might as well love on his pup a little bit.  Bruce is the sweetest dog-- I mean, he's no Hank YET, but he is really on his way there. 

The boys were begging to play golf last week, so I took them to the driving range one morning after workout to hit balls.  
 This attests to their personality: Andy walked right up and started whacking away at the ball.  Swinging and missing and not caring, but going as hard as he could.  I looked over and Cal was stretching.  Andy hit probably 20 balls before Cal even hit one.  hahahaha

 They were so cute playing and I need to take them again.  It was actually really fun to watch them!
and another big event around here: tooth number 2 came out! This one was with zero dramatics at all, thankfully.  It was getting really loose and he was wiggling it so Eddie goes "let me pull that thing out" and he did.  That was it.  No tears. No screams.  No panicked mom.  Easy Peasy.  Except the tooth fairy didn't come the night it happened.  But Cal didn't put his tooth under the pillow, so we are blaming him.  Because that seems mature. 

My dad came over to our rescue when we went to urgent care for the toe sitch, and he was so wonderful with the boys while I was there, so we took him a bottle of wine as a thank you.  Andy wanted to carry it in for him.  He was BEYOND proud that I would let him carry a bottle on wine.  I was a little surprised at myself too.  
 Bruce is liking my hurt foot- I have to kick it up every now and then and he gets to rest his head on my lap and wait for love. 
 Saturday, it was time for a chop chop.  It was getting crazy long.  I slept with it in a bun in the below pic, so it isn't straight at all. 

 Almost 5 inches taken off and it feels soooooo good.  It was needed. 

 The boys had a lazy morning watching TV together.... love them all curled up. 

Eddie and I went furniture shopping-- he kept getting sidetracked by "man chairs" in every store.  We finally decided on some couches and we brought one home with us (thank you, pick up truck!) and one is being shipped.  We are SO excited to start to see our living room come together!
 I wore a new tank top from Target when we went shopping-- and it BLED all over my shorts! I couldn't believe how much this top ran! I am scared to wash it now with other clothes... going to try to wash it with one of those color catchers.... hope that helps!
 The start of our living room......ahhhhh..... need a rug and a coffee table and another couch and and and.... does the list ever end?!

The boys have been into working out lately.  Cal was upstairs the other day banging around like crazy.  Finally he came down and asked me to feel his muscles- said he'd been working out upstairs!

Nug has been playing hard lately.  We let the kids stay up to watch some Olympics the other night (holy exciting!) and he crashed on the couch.  Sweet snuggles right there!
That's a look at life lately! We are off on vacation-- I am sure we will be posting on instagram!


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