Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Mexico: part dos

Back for more Mexican fun!

I kind of can't believe how many pictures I took... I could easily produce two or even three more posts from this trip, but instead, I am going to power through and make this one extra long post.  So. Don't read it if you don't have time.  Or read some and come back later and read more.  Or just skim.  Whatever.  Either way, here we go....!

We started out this day in the ocean-- Eddie wanted to boys to try boogey boarding.  Andy loved it for a while, until a big ol' wipe out- haha

Back up at the pool, we were being extra cautious in the sun-- everyone was getting pretty fried.   

 Do you see a trend here? We tried hard to stay hydrated...

Up on the lawn, they had a little petting zoo with bunnies and chicks and goats and a horse... Andy was in awe of it all, and again, the brave kid, picked up everything that he could get his hands on. 

 I adore this picture of sweet little B.  That smile! He had been sick during the week and was feeling better and seeing his smile made all of us happy. 

The ham:

We went to dinner this night at a restaurant right on the beach.  

 We were waiting for Eddie and Cal said, "let's take a selfie looking tough." Did it work?! haha

Then Cal wanted to take a picture of me and Andy....
 ...and then reverse. 

Sweet friends- think Cal was happy? 

The boys!

 We decided to make the next day a BEACH day.  We rocked the pool every day, but wanted to spend some time on the beach too. 

Cal started out the day wishing he was up at the pool, but by the end of the day, he was swimming under waves and having the best time. 

Andy was all about trying surfing (who is this kid and what has he done with my scared kid??), but he flipped off a few times and got nervous.  

 These three had the best time out there together.  The waves were small enough in the morning that we didn't have to worry about them out there too much- however, we still kept a close eye on them!

They waited for their lunch in the cabana and declared it a no parent zone.  

We were totally fine with them banning us!

That night, we had an adults only dinner...and ohhhhh was it so so nice! No kids, quiet, calm, great wine... it was lovely! 
 We were laughing at Eddie's shirt in the above picture- the wind blew right as we were taking this and he looks like he gained a bunch of weight on the trip-- hahaha

We fully enjoyed our nice grown up meal out!
 However, this toothless smile is pretty cute.

 Our adults :)

The next morning was slightly overcast, but still a fun day! 
 The boys were going jet skiing!!! Eddie split his time between the boys; Cal was up first:

 There they go!
 And then he came back half way through and got Andy:

I stayed on the beach for most, but when Cal was done, we headed up to the pool where I looked over to find him in complete relaxation mode.  Sipping on a sprite, legs kicked out, shades on.  Poor kid.  

When everyone got back from jet skiing, the boys jumped at the chance to play with their dads in the pool. 

Me and my crew- forcing water on them. 

 Goofy boys-- so much fun together

Once again- is there a trend here? A and I drank our fair share of drinks on this trip.  It was pretty amazing.  Lottttttta drinks.  

yes.  this.  I still crack up when I see this picture.

....and then there's this....dear lord.  That's all I am going to say about that.
 and while I was riding a horse? Apparently there was a massive soccer game going on.  Cal was right in the middle of it-- Andy is kind of over to the left. 

And again.... we did a LOT of this on the trip.  Can you tell? 

This night was a reallllly cool night.  We had dinner on the beach, a delicious BBQ dinner....
 heading to the beach in the elevator...

 Meeting up with the crew-- please note Andy grabbing onto his girl. 

And he asked me to take this one.  
 And then I attempted a group shot, but Andy was only interested in one person:

After dinner, we walked down the beach to a sea turtle release program- just a little walk down, they were releasing baby sea turtles out into the ocean. 

 Might have to frame this one:

heading down the beach- they ran most of the way. 
 And here are the babies! Ready to begin their journey out into the ocean.

 I took about a million pictures of the turtles on the sand, but you can hardly see the turtles in the picture.  It just looks like mounds of sand.  It was SUCH a neat experience.  Everyone was lined up behind a rope and she placed the turtles down and we all cheered for them as they made their way to the ocean.  When the first wave reached them, we all were hooting and hollering.  It was beyond special.

Hugging our babies:
 After the turtles were swimming, we headed back to our beach BBQ where there was to be a huge fire show to start.  And it was really cool-- flames of fire being juggled and spun around...
 Andy finally just couldn't keep his eyes open any longer and he fell sound asleep, despite all the noise. 

 The next day was our last and we made sure we soaked up every last bit of fun-- lots of swimming and playing with our buddies.
 Little fish!
 I have more pictures with A than I do Eddie...she is always up for a selfie and doesn't argue back though- hahahaha

Dinner the last night- we went back to the French restaurant and it didn't disappoint...! Sooooo good.  

And, before we knew it, our alarm was going off at 3am (again!) and we were heading home.  

Phew! Did you make it to the end?? You deserve some wine.  Or coffee.  Or spiked coffee.  It was SUCH a great vacation and we had a blast with our family and with our friends.  I can't wait until our next adventure with them!


1 comment:

Sleepin in the Sun said...

Looks so awesome! Andy, sneaky lil pimp. And you are rocking that bikini bod!