Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Life Lately...and some randomness

Life is about to get even MORE crazy, if that's even possible.  Soccer is starting up, tennis is back in action, and basketball and football aren't over quite yet.  Bring on the activities! And the chaos...!

I do love having an active household, even if that means we are constantly going going going.

It is no secret to this blog: Andy is really really really bad at sleeping.  I wrote in our weekend update about him waking up super early on Sunday morning in a crank-tastic mood.  Well, he was on our floor and wouldn't be quiet.  He was whimpering that he was cold. And then that he was hot.  And then that he had to pee, but didn't want to get up.  This started at 5:45 and didn't stop for a long time.  We were OVER it. 

We decided to work on his sleep habits (again).  I decided I would walk him back down the hall and put him in his bed and sit there with him until he falls back asleep again.  We tried it Sunday night and I think I probably slept all of 3 hours total.  It was ROUGH.  At 4:45, I finally just told him to get on the floor and go to sleep- I couldn't take it any more, hahaha. 

I was soooome kind of tired Monday.  Basically a zombie for most of the morning.  After popup and walking the dogs, I got Andy and we both curled up on the couch for some rest and snuggles- we never do this, and it was clear we both needed it. 

The dogs needed it too-- everyone was passed out.  I didn't doze off, but just sitting there and resting was goooood for me and my mental health.  And him being so sweet like this makes me not mad at him for being the world's worst sleeper.  
 Bruce needed a little love and Andy was willing to give it to him.  They love each other so much.

But resting doesn't last long around here.  We were out playing basketball in no time. 
 And football. Also football. 

 Cal is reading everything- everywhere.  It is so fun, and also a little exhausting- haha.  I just ordered him the Magic Treehouse series... hoping he will get into them.  Right now, it is still hard to get him to sit still long enough to read them.  I think we will need to read them together at first, which I am excited about! Here he is reading in the kitchen right when the books arrived. 

We were getting ready to go to soccer and I glanced out the upstairs front window- always playing-- thankful these two have each other! 

Whenever I can't find Bruce, it is a safe bet, he's near Andy.  I am pretty sure Andy drives him crazy, but he tolerates it... thank goodness.  They are pretty tight buddies!

Dr. Seuss's birthday is Wednesday of this week, so on Tuesday, we celebrated in preschool.  I have SO much fun doing this crazy little job with this sweet friend.  Our days are wild and loud and funny and unpredictable and hilarious and frustrating and ridiculous and everything else in between-- but we really and truly love working together and with these kids.  Lucky lucky me!

Speaking of lucky me- apparently Tuesday was my HALF BIRTHDAY! I would have never known that-- but my mouse class did and they all brought in hand made cards and goodies for me-- talk about a treat! We are not in school for my actual birthday, so they spoiled me on my half day...and it was awesome!

After school Tuesday, Andy had a play date with Brady! He is on our basketball team and Andy has grown fond of him.  They invited Andy over there, but I offered to have them here so Brady's mom could have some quiet during his little sibling's nap time.  

We are going to Mexico in ONE MONTH and I am super excited.  I can't stop thinking about this trip and I am making lists right and left of things to get-- not that I NEED anything.  I did pick up a few new bathing suits.  And I might need to get a few other things...

I am crushing on this right now:

 ....not sure I can justify the price (but I do have a gift card!!!).

I am about to order this one (at only $25, it's a steal). I think it would be perfect for flying home-- throw on a jean jacket and be good to go!

I really like this cover up too... clearly, I have a lot of things I like!

Most cover ups I love are over $100 and I just can't bring myself to do that. 

I do think I am going to order this shirt though- I have a gift card and think this shirt is super cute. 

I also need a hat.  I wear a baseball hat 99% of the time, and I would like a more "grown up" hat.  Not sure I am able to pull off a fedora... but I kind of want to try... maybe I am better for a big floppy hat? That's also on my list-- find a hat! What kind of hat do y'all wear when in the sun?

Also on my list (this post has gone from a LIFE LATELY post to a random rambling inside my brain post), I need to see what still fits the boys-- they both have had HUGE growth spurts lately, especially Cal and I am a little worried none of his warmer clothes will fit him. 

A trip to the outlets might be in my near future...!

So that's a look at life lately! I have a pork shoulder in the dutch oven and it smells AH-MAZING.  I bought a packet in the grocery store that looks like this one:

 but ours is called Smokey Pulled Pork Slow Cook Sauce-- they didn't have that one on the site.  Our whole house smells incredible.  I will be sure to report back if it tastes good at all...

That is life lately! Loving the weather and the warm sunshine.  Hope it sticks around for a while!


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