Monday, January 11, 2016

Weekend Update: CLEAN OUT

For Christmas this year, my parents gave the grandsons (Cal and Andy and Jackson) tickets to a Carolina Hurricane hockey game followed by a sleepover at their house.  I picked Cal up from school on Friday and then went right to their house to drop off the boys-- they were BEYOND excited. 

Mom and dad's friends, the Howards, also gave the gift to their grand children, so they all went together.  

While the boys were at the Canes game, we had a much needed date night! We went to jujube and had some delicious food (they sat us in a little alcove about 6 inches from a family with a little 2 year old-- no one else but us and them...and I LOVE kids.  Like, I am the one who is always asking to hold a baby...but on our rare date night, I don't want a kid throwing stuff at me...hahaha it ended up being fine...but funny).

Saturday morning, I went to popup while Eddie picked up the boys.  We came home and I got to work! I have been on a mission to CLEAN everything out.  I was working in the kitchen-- the boys were in the garage; Eddie got a workout while the boys played hockey!

After the massive junk drawer tackling, I addressed Andy's closet.  I wish I had taken a before picture-- you couldn't even walk in this closet before.  I had a huge box on the floor that had been collecting goodwill stuff for months (and months.....!).  This was a MUCH needed project.  

After his closet, I tackled my own.  I have these built in shelves that were just collecting STUFF and dust and it was totally unorganized.  Now, I can find everything and I love it! It makes me happy now... and that's how it should be! I am looking for a little stool thing that I can sit on and use a step stool... might hit up Home Goods this week.  

By about 6:00, I was flat exhausted.  Eddie wasn't feeling 100% so he was napping for most of the day (after his workout!), so I was in clean out mode while playing referee constantly.  Come bed time, I was tired!

Andy was too, clearly...

We watched football and I finished my book with a fire in the fireplace.  My kind of night!

Sunday, we did more working around the house.  Sally came over and we walked the dogs together.  When we got back, Eddie and I washed the dogs (he washed, I dried and brushed!) and then I took Andy to Costco.  I love me some Costco... not sure it is smart to go on a Sunday, but we survived and got lots of goodies.  I should do a Costco post sometime... this time we got a new bed for Bruce, batteries, apples, soup, garbage bags, etc etc... haha a random mix, but lots of fresh food and needed supplies!

Eddie took Cal to soccer practice while I went to the grocery store with Nug (had to get food for the week!).

When we met back at the house, Eddie made plans to meet another dad and his boys to play some flag football-- and THAT makes me happy! Boys outside playing! How it should be!

Off they go...

And Bru loves his new bed! He blends in with it.  

Bring on another week...! I have meal planned and grocery shopped so hopefully I am on top of it...yeah right!


1 comment:

EMT said...

Love your closet shelves! My next house will have those, for sure! Yeh for cleaning out, too! It feels so good to get rid of stuff and organize! Hope your week is great!!