Friday, January 22, 2016

Sweet, sweet Gran

Eddie's dear grandmother, "Gran", went home to be with the Lord Thursday morning early.

Thankfully, it was a very peaceful passing, with her children there holding her hands.  There is something so perfect about holding the hands of the woman who brought you into this world, as she is leaving this world.  I can only pray that my passing is that peaceful.

Gran has loved me as her own granddaughter for a long time-- probably since high school.  And I am so thankful for her love.

She lived at the beach, so we were lucky to get to see her often-- the boys have grown up knowing her.  Which also made this harder. When we told them, Cal was very quiet, reflecting on what we told him, and Andy burst into tears, crying that he was sad he didn't get to say goodbye to her.

Her service is tomorrow, Saturday, and we are looking forward to celebrating such a sweet life.  We are all BEYOND thankful that we got to spend so much time with her over Christmas.  (here and here)

I am in charge of printing off some pictures to have on display at the service (#ofcourseiam), and here are some of the ones I am printing:

Look at how happy she was!

Gran gave her all every day.  She was living on her own and still driving.  She served at her church, a retirement home and at a hospital.  She gave constantly.  Hopefully we can continue in her footsteps. 

We know she is super excited to be reunited with her husband in Heaven!


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