Thursday, December 10, 2015

Thursday things I think...

Oh, here's some randomness for ya today...

1. I have a love/hate relationship with Christmas cards  I love love love love getting them.  I check the mail multiple times a day (I check it every other day during non-holiday times...whoops).  I love seeing my friends' families.  I love seeing the design they choose.  Seriously, I adore getting them.  We hang them on our kitchen door and the kids look at them every day. 

However.  The act of sending them is another chapter in itself.  Getting a good picture (thank goodness for Amber Byrd...!), finding the right card, ordering cards, waiting for cards to arrive, addressing cards (and figuring out addresses that are missing/changed), sealing cards, stamping return addresses on cards, buying stamps, attaching stamps....and mailing. 

The price of it all is CAH-RAZY! Especially when you add in postage... and photographer fees... crazy! Granted, we don't have to use a photographer... but it reallllly makes a difference for us (or so I tell myself!!!)

But, it's worth it! I know it is! Hopefully others are as excited to get our card as I am getting theirs. And, truth be told, I love the whole entire process.  All of it. 

2. Usually, I make a big fat wish list for birthdays and holidays.  I am struggling this year! It sounds so stupid! I don't know what to ask for! I have ideas for everyone else.  I have a few ideas for myself-- I would like new dishes and I need a new pair of slippers... but I don't have a big list, like normal.  Eddie does really well with a list.  He is nervous going gift shopping without one.  I promised I would work on one this week.  Any must have things to ask for??

3. We have a bunch of holiday things coming up-- cocktail parties, dinners, nights out, New Years Eve.... and I have a closet full of clothes with nothing to wear... know what I am saying? I also suffer from being extremely cheap.  I hate spending a lot of clothes.  I went to the outlets today to do some Christmas shopping and I walked past Francesca's, the jewelry store...? There was a cute dress in the window so I stopped in... y'all, I could have tried on 60 things in there! They had fun going out tops that are easily paired with jeans or black pants or a skirt.  I tried on a bunch of dresses and loved most of them-- one was wayyyy too short, but super cute.  Every thing I tried on was under $50.  Whaaaa???

I got this green dress...

And this fun dress for New Years Eve... 
along with a skirt and some other little gifts for friends-- all for under $150.  Now that is crazy.  Most dresses I find that I like are well over $150 (I don't like to spend money, but I like expensive things-- you figure it out....). So, if you're looking for a few fun pieces-- look there!

4. Andy wants a pogo stick for Christmas.  Why? I wonder if he thinks it is easy to hop around? Where did he get that idea? Why? Seriously, Andy.  Why?

5. Cal's reading has taken off in the past 2 weeks.  It is crazy-- he is actually picking up a random book and reading it.  I walked in to his room today when it got too quiet (y'all know the kind of quiet I am talking about.... nothing but trouble...), and he was reading to Andy- a book picked off of the shelf.  It makes me proud and excited-- just crazy to watch him grown and learn.  Makes me feel so blessed to have healthy kids.

6.  All of that said above, I love teaching.  I looooove my job with the 2 year olds.  I loved teaching middle school.  But I do not think I am cut out to teach my own children.  I could never EVER homeschool.  Talking about rhyming words yesterday about made me lose my mind.  It is a hard concept for Cal-- cat and hat rhyme... why don't cat and cow rhyme? I say, "do they sound alike?" He says, "yeah- I hear the c sound..." and then I explain (AGAIN) how they don't rhyme and what makes words rhyme.  And I want to scream: "WHY DON'T YOU GET THAT CAT AND HAT AND FAT AND MAT ALL RHYME?!?!?!?!?!" But instead, I say "you go ahead and repeat those words and see what sounds alike, while mommy walks away and counts to 10.  Again."

7. I am knocking out the Christmas shopping this year- slowly, but surely.  Today at the outlets, I really crushed my list.  I love that place.

8. Speaking of lists- I am a list making queen.  I always have been.  Currently, I have a to do list, and to buy list, and to make list and a to blog list.  I just started a "Carrie gift idea list" too.  There's a chance I might have a list making problem.  Maybe I should make a list to find out. HA!

9. I got a mammogram last month.  I wrote about it a while back.  Just being proactive.  Cancer sucks.  Why not try to catch it early? Well, I got the bill from that boob squeezing....$800.  And guess how much our insurance covered? $50.  Yeah-- and whole WHOPPING $50.  It is infuriating.  I have it on my list (ha!) to call them and discuss.  Not that it will do any good.  But seriously- would they rather have to pay for all of my cancer treatments? They are dumb.

10. I ordered a new phone case.  And I love it.  But I ordered the wrong size case.  What is wrong with me? Can't decide if I should order a new phone to go in my new case? Or just a new case for my phone.  That's a joke.  kinda. 

Those are enough things I am thinking for right now.  What are you thinking???

(I am totally thinking more things, but I felt I needed to end this on number 10.  Maybe I will do another one of these on next Thursday!)


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