Tuesday, December 8, 2015


I had several people ask for this recipe after I posted about it a while back.  It is so easy.  And so good.  Serve it with some sweet potatoes and oh yummmm...

To start, we get reaaaaal fancy up in here.  Grab this packet:

And follow the instructions on the back.  Yeah.  I know.  Don't add the ketchup though. And I love some panko crumbs in mine...

Mix it all up in a bowl....

And then form it into a LOAF:

I usually do mine on a foil lined baking sheet, but we were out of foil when I made this one.  Pat it down and get it all loaf-like...

And then get your sauce started... and this is where the magic happens:

2 eight ounce cans of tomato sauce
6 tablespoons of vinegat
2 teaspoons of dry mustard
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup of brown sugar

Mix all of that in a pot and bring to a boil-- then pour a little bit on top of your loaf before it goes in the oven:

Now, it has to cook for close to an hour.  So I reduce the heat in the sauce to the lowest low and let it simmer while it cooks.  Your house will smell amazing.  I can't stop taste testing this sauce while it cooks. 

When it comes out, serve it up and give more sauce. 


(I do not have any pictures post-oven...we ate it all up too quickly....)


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