Monday, November 9, 2015

Weekend update

This was a fairly lame weekend. And I am just fine with that! We had Cal's fun run on Friday and then I volunteered in a 1st grade class for a few hours. I got home and I was tired! Ha! We ordered takeout and had a low key night. It felt like what everyone needed. I think this time change has been super hard this time. (I also think I say that every single time...)

Andy got to go with me to volunteer. The class was doing the phases of the moon with Oreos... They would twist them open and then using a spoon, scrape out the white stuff to show the different phases. I thought it was awesome! Andy thought eating Oreos was awesome...

Saturday, Eddie left early to go out of town. We had had a super rough night with Andy (he was up A TON!) and then cal woke up at 5 screaming that he threw up. He didn't. He was dreaming. He wouldn't go back to sleep. I was exhausted. 
It was pouring down rain so we had a slow morning- and it was pretty perfect hanging out. Then the rain stopped and I decided to get us moving to a friend's party. We got dressed and loaded the car and proceeded to go no more than a quarter mile in 25 minutes. In 45 minutes, we hadn't gone half a mile. At this point, I was over it all. I had kids in the backseat acting crazy and it looked like it was going to pour any minute. The game had already started. I called an audible and pulled my car across traffic for a big fat illegal U turn. 
Of course cal was upset to not go to the game so I told them we could go to fire house. 

Andy took this picture. I needed a drink. He told me to smile and then he took this one:

After feeding the beasts, we headed home. There were great games on and k was thrilled to get to watch them. 

The boys were thrilled to curl up on couch and watch with me:

Next thing I knew, I had a few friends coming over to hang out. And it was SO much fun! We had THE best time talking and drinking (and maybe eating some Halloween candy...). One friend brought over her daughter which was fun (cal acted a fool and is currently punished until the end of time...sigh). 

The only picture I took:
The damage done. It was needed though. Sometimes a girls night in is the best therapy ever!

Sunday morning we did some work around the house and caught up on laundry. Cal has lost all electronics as part of his punishment so he was forced to actually use his brain to play and they developed some sort of a sleigh ride in the play room. Love listening to them play together...until someone starts screaming because someone tackled someone else too hard.... And there was a lot of that on Sunday. 

Even the dogs were sick of the fighting. 

We had to run some errands and then we headed to a birthday party for a buddy. She was so sweet to invite both kids! It was a pool party so the boys had fun swimming. Hopefully it wore them out enough to sleep tonight....

We came home for a little homework time and then dinner and showers before bed. 

We were all tired!

Low key weekends are needed sometimes. My kids are driving me pretty crazy though. Eddie is gone a few more days- I'll be happy to see him! 

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