Monday, November 23, 2015

Weekend fun

Our weekend was nice and lowkey-- I am really enjoying the slower paced weekends.  I feel like for the past 3 months, each weekend update post started with me writing "another super busy weekend in the books....." haha

Friday morning, I taught popup and then before I knew it, it was time to pick up the boys.  #timeflies When we went to get Cal, both dogs were sitting by the dog crying.  When I opened the door, they both jumped in the car immediately.  I didn't have the heart to leave them so we had a full car at pickup!

Friday night, we went to the club-- they had a party for all the junior tennis players. The boys went to the party while we met some friends and ate. They were excited to play...and it was COLD out!

Sara and I showed up in the exact same vest and a very similar necklace (you can get mine here!) You add in our similar hair and people were calling us twins.

Saturday morning, my parents wanted to take the grandkids to the Raleigh Christmas parade.  I wanted to workout, and Eddie had stuff he wanted to do so it was win/win for all! It was a coooold morning, so I dug out some hats and warm coats.  
 The boys were playing in the driveway while waiting on grandma and grandpa and next thing I knew, their hats were all kinds of crazy and jackets wompy too.  BOYS!

 After my workout, I hung around the club and met some friends to watch a tennis match.  My parents got back and we brought the boys up to the club to play too.  It was a gorgeous day-- the sun was shining and there were kids playing football, and everyone was happy! It was a great time. 
 Grandma and her boys walked home while I drove that way.  I stopped to take a picture-- how cute are they??

We came home and I started cleaning house.  I knew with Thanksgiving at the beach, I wanted to get down all of my Christmas bins so they would be ready to go when we came home.  I had a thought a while ago about decorating the boys' bathroom.  Well, on Saturday, I decided to just go ahead and do it. The excitement they had from these tacky lights was incredible.  It made me SO SO excited for Christmas and for all the fun that comes with the season.  This is a bad picture... I used tiny little command hooks all around the mirror.  I will post more pics later... but this was done on Saturday...

I have been sort of fighting a little bit of a funk-- not really a cold... but achy and just not feeling 100%.  Well I started to feel bad Saturday afternoon and felt worn out.  I carried down 3 or 4 Christmas bins and decided to stop there.

The Razorbacks were playing and the boys like to wear authentic jerseys for game days.  Andy is big on brushing his own hair after showers.  He is so proud. 
 The Razorback game was such a great one to watch...until the end.  SUCH a heart breaker to end like that.  ugh. 

Sunday morning, I was on a mission.  I carried down all the bins and stripped sheets and  Sheets were changed, mattresses flipped and then I decided to just go ahead and start decorating.  I told myself I would just do the snow globes... and then I would just put out a few carolers... and then I would just do a few more things... and next thing I knew, I was done! We don't have our tree yet, so I still have that bin down, but other than that, I finished everything else and carried all the bins back up to the attic.  phew!

We did break for lunch-- firehouse, of course.  If you are local (or maybe this is everywhere?), kids eat free all day on Sunday (with purchase of adult combo meal).  And also- not to show love to just there... JERSEY MIKES IS AMAZING AND WE LOVE IT.  Andy wanted me to take a picture to send to daddy...then he asked me to get in it too.  uhhhh, momma is looking ROUGH, kiddo. 

Eddie left around 10:30 for the beach so we were on our own for the rest of the day.  The boys played and I worked around the house.  Snow globes were done...

Stairway done....

And then I went back and cleaned everything.  Eddie took Bruce with him to the beach so I went on a cleaning mission-- the dog sheds so much.

The weekend ended with the AMAs.  And me sitting down.  Because, phew. 

Can't wait to give thanks this week-- and I am thankful to do it at the beach!


1 comment:

EMT said...

Love that pic of you and Sara -and as always, thanks for the shoutout! Glad you had a lowkey and fun weekend...I think that will be much needed with all the festivities coming this month! Have a great Thanksgiving if I don't see you:)