Monday, May 11, 2015

Weekend Update: Mom's Day

Another weekend has FLOWN by! We had an action packed weekend, once again.  This weekend was EXTRA special though, because we celebrated Nug's 4th birthday! (cue the tears, please...)

Eddie's dad came to town to keep the kids when we went to Miami last weekend, so he stayed through the week and Eddie's mom came in on Wednesday so we had the party Saturday afternoon.  I am doing a separate post on the party though... gotta make shorter posts! ha!

Here is a look at our weekend!

Friday, after the boys went to school, Patty and I picked them up and headed home to let Bruce out.  We played for a while and then went to the mall to get the boys some new shoes! Andy has been asking for "tie" shoes for a loooong time now.  It's all he wanted for his birthday.  He quickly picked out the brightest shoes in the store...

Cal picked out some blue ones, but they did not have them in his size, so he decided to get matching shoes... the Williamson boys will be easy to spot...!
While at the mall, Cal mad a comment about not feeling well and his tummy not feeling right.  I figured he was tired, but it was obvious he was not at 100%.  

We headed home and the boys had a killer dance party in the driveway.  Andy was BESIDE himself over the new shoes.... 
 They were going ALL out dancing.  I can't imagine what neighbors thought as they drove by-- and I don't really care, ha! These kids were having THE best time!

 Please take note of Andy in the background.... see his hands?
 Yes.  He is 

 The shoes pretty much glow. 

Cal didn't eat much of his dinner, which was odd because it was his favorite.  We put the boys to bed and then got to work decorating the kitchen for the big party day the next morning!

After we finished decorating it all, Cal cried out for me.  I went into his room to find he had puked EVERYWHERE.  It was the biggest mess I have ever seen.  Thank goodness my mother in law was here! She took care of the entire mess so that I could deal with Cal.  She washed sheets and scrubbed the floor...everything.  I cleaned Cal and helped him throw up again... bless his heart. He slept on our floor that night in case it happened again.  It didn't, thankfully!

Cal woke up Saturday morning in the BEST mood! He came downstairs and announced that he felt SO good! haha! I guess something just didn't sit right on his stomach-- he was good as new come Saturday morning!

Andy was beyond excited to come down and see the decorations.    

We headed out the door early for a 9am soccer game.  These three little blondies had a blast playing together.  

 After the game, I got some snuggles with my two favorite Ducks...

We ran a few errands, including going by a house we think will be Tricia and Tommy's new house....!!! And headed home for showers and naps... (ahhhh, thank goodness he napped!_

When I woke him up for the party, he was SO EXCITED!!!! He quickly got dressed and I kid you not, did not stop smiling the rest of the day....
 We spent Saturday night at the party, and that post will come tomorrow (maybe??).

Sunday morning was Mother's Day! We had a low key morning at the house.  Tricia and Tommy and Carrie went to Panera and brought breakfast over for us.  We hung out and I did some cleaning and then we headed over to my parents house for a mother's day brunch-- it was fabulous!

Mom and I had on all kinds of layers because the weather could not make up its mind.  We look goofy in this picture, but I am so glad I have it.  My mom is the most selfless, caring, wonderful person I know.  I am so thankful to have her help me become a better mom...I am lucky to get to learn from the best!
 I got a picture of Eddie's mom, Patty, and her three kids. I adore every one in this picture.  Eddie's sisters are truly two of my closest friends and I love Patty too.  We all get along so well---which I know is rare! Soooo glad they were here this weekend to celebrate Andy and to celebrate mother's day!

And then there's these two...
Being a mom is hard.  And tiring.  And so trying.  But it is also SO amazing and so fun and so exciting and so wonderful! I can't believe God gave me these two little boys to love.  I do not ever want to take that for granted.  I adore being their mom and I am honored to get that title!

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and a fabulous mother's day!


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