Friday, March 6, 2015

Friday Favorites! (is it spring yet?!)

Another round of FRIDAY FAVORITES! To see last week's favorites, click here. The previous week can be found here!

So, I am willing spring to get here.  I am begging it.  I don't want to rush time.  But I am ready for that wonderful warm-ish weather that comes with spring.  65 degrees sounds like heaven right now-- I am sick of the cold weather!

That being said, my Friday Favorites this week are all about getting ready for SPRING!

Number 1: bathing suits!
We are taking a vacation for spring break (yayyyy, Aruba!) and I am in the market for some new bathing suits! I had a lot of luck with my athleta suit last year for when I was at the club pool and swimming with boys... here are some favorites this year:



 This next one is in the juniors department...I don't even care.  I love the back of it-- and that I can wear it with some black bottoms I already have... and, this model looks 10. 
 Target: (I love target suits!)

 reallllly love this one-- has a super cute back and it comes in a great blue color too....
There are sooo many more cute suits right now.  Just a start here!

Number 2: sports bras

Okay, so now I have to get in shape to wear those bathing suits! I used to wear target sports bras all the time and they were....fine.  I don't have a huge need for support, if you catch my drift....but, my mom gave me a sports bra from athleta and, I don't mean to sound dramatic...but it was life changing.  Okay, maybe that's a bit much.  But it is awesome.  I workout often during the week-- usually 5 days at least-- so I can appreciate a good sports bra!

I also love this top-- it's so fun!
Number 3: roasted veggies

This is random, right? This is my new most favorite snack/meal-- and it's healthy so it can get us ready for spring break and bathing suits and won't ruin our good workouts in our new sports bras...

Preheat oven to 450 and while it's heating up, chop up a yellow pepper, a red pepper, a green pepper and a purple onion.  For the record, I am not a huge fan of peppers of any color.  I have never liked them.  At all.  But cooked like this? I eat every last bit of it.  It doesn't make sense.

After veggies are chopped, I drizzle a little bit of olive oil over them and lightly toss with my hands.  I add a little bit of garlic salt (which is also a fave-- it will make a Friday Favorites post, I am sure!) and a little bit of garlic powder. 

I mix it all up and then, when the oven is ready, I pop it in for 10 minutes and then shift everything around a little bit and then cook it for about 10 more minutes.  I like them soft :)
On several occasions, I have made this and eaten every last bit of it.  No sides. Just chowing down on this.  It totally fills me up... a yummy snack! (or a meal!) (or a side to a big meal!)

Number 4: Favorite Instagram Accounts to Follow

I make no secret of my love of the instagram... I love to share my pictures and I love to look at my friend's pictures.  I also love to follow some fitness accounts-- many are LAME, but you can get some really great workouts from instagram!
Here are some of my favorites:
@sugarysixpack --- love this one!
@magenrathbone --- my personal fave!

and, because laughter is the best medicine... these are my favorite instagram accounts to make me LAUGH:
@crazyjewishmom-- just started following this one and it makes me laugh-- not as hard as some of the others, but it is still pretty funny

Number 5: MY MOMMA!
 This woman is a good person.  I always say that about her.  She really is one of my absolute favorites. 
 She is always happy and always positive and always wonderful.  I love her and I love our relationship...

Sooo, there you have my Friday Favorites for the week!!! I hope to read yours too!!!


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