Monday, January 19, 2015

Weekend update

It was a 3 day weekend! And we squeezed a lot into our weekend!

Friday, while the boys were in school, I taught popup in the morning and then ran this little nut to the vet.  He needed heart worm and has been at the awkward growing stage where he isn't in one of the brackets for long enough to buy a pack, so every month I have to take him there to get him on the scale to see his weight and then buy a month's supply.  Well, he weighed in at 53 pounds (!!!) so he is now in the 50-100 pound bracket, and God willing, he will stay in this bracket! ha! He seems really happy about his current weight:

Friday night we debated 'round and 'round about what to do.  We decided to just have a family dinner together.  But then Cal said he realllllllly wanted to do kids club at the country club.  We felt bad because they were having a sitter Saturday night and we didn't want to deprive them of fun... so we agreed to head to the club.  But not before trying to get Andy to poop.  This continues to be a mega battle in our house.  Bless his heart.  I was tapped out from trying all day so Eddie took a seat and they were cracking up over Andy tooting.  #pottyhumor This might be my favorite picture...look at the smiles!

Eddie and I had a wonderful date night, just the two of us, and it ended up, the Fitches were having a date night too.  We all left at the same time and Cal and Lee caught a fun ride to the car!

Saturday morning, I had a workout that was much needed! That afternoon we had BASKETBALL!!! I did a post on that here.  

We came home from basketball and I picked up a bit and showered me and the boys while Eddie bathed the wild beast:

Saturday night, we had the Snow Ball! We went last year too....

It is such a fun night to get dressed up, dance, have a great time with friends and just be happy!

Here is my handsome date:

Sall and I were up to our usual antics.  #duh

There were a million more pictures from the night, but I will hold back from posting all of those! We will just say it was a FUN fun fun night!

Eddie headed out of town Sunday morning and me and the boys got a bunch done around the house.  The boys were so happy to just play on their iPads and with each other.  I cleaned out the playroom and did laundry and etc etc etc  It felt really good to just work-- and we had nothing to do until 3, so it was a productive day!

Cal thought the first game on Sunday started at 12:30, so he climbed up on my bed...with Bruce, all ready to watch.  It did start at 12:30.... Pacific time.... 3:30 our time.  Whoops. 

I recorded the game and we headed to swimming.  We took a little time off from it and both boys said they were ready to give it another shot.  They started a "novice" program which starts 30 mins before the regular practice.  It was so good for BOTH boys! Two coaches were in the water working with the kids and they worked wonders on Andy too! He was soooo apprehensive, but he did it!

And the boys LOVED being in the same lane-- they were having the best time together.  I was a proud momma, that is for sure!

Andy was extra ready!

 He looks a bit like a special ed child here, but he is swimming AND SMILING!

For this crazy kid, this was a big accomplishment.  Cal was also back to enjoying it, so that made me happy!

We came home and ate dinner and all sat in one chair watching football before bed.  We had to send Eddie a selfie since he was at the game...

When it was time to go to bed, Bruce thought it was the perfect night for a sleepover.  Nice try, B.  

He and I came downstairs to watch some more football and get set for the week.  He was worn out from all the fun of the weekend!

We have no school Monday, but I don't foresee us doing too much exciting! Workout and grocery store: wooooohoooooo!


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