Tuesday, January 13, 2015

#carriedaway2015: week 1

A quick note: I wrote here all about how I wasn't going to do #carriedaway again this year.  But then, after reading that post, I realized I would actually MISS taking a picture every day.  I really enjoyed documenting my year with my family.  And if I liked it, why wouldn't I do it again? If people on instagram don't want to see it, they can always unfollow me, right? So, here we go again.... another year....

Week 1:

 Day 1: carhartts and camo hats... #herewegoagain #isworeiwouldnotdothis

 Day 2: "mommy, I growd-ded last night." -Andy, the kid who insists one wearing shorts and high socks- no matter the temps.

 Day 3: what more could they want than a chick-fil-a picnic on the floor and espn on TV?

 Day 4: obsessed. Him with football. Me with him.

 Day 5: porch football playing #socks

 Day 6: celebrating 40 years of marriage tonight!

 Day 7: 3/4 of the Williamson boys. And Bruce is smiling at the camera.


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